Known Bugs

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This page is for bugs and other errata that may feel like bugs but will not be changed. It is not for era-appropriate or intentional/unintentional mechanics, but, only for true bugs.

Bug1: Client running insanely fast for everything.

[10:27 AM]Tanlin: Hi all, want to report a bug with my character, it's happening right now, but don't have a lot of time so hoped someone could take a look
[10:29 AM]Tanlin: essentially, i am running at warp speed, regenerating hp so fast, no mob can touch me,  all my skills refresh in .1 seconds etc.  i am sure if i relog this will reset, but whatever caused it could def give someone a real unfair advantage if they get this bug when logging in.
[10:30 AM]Tanlin: feels like godmode or something, not sure
[10:55 AM]Lenas: Step 1 relog and see if it is still happening
[10:59 AM]necra: I had that happen to me once a few years back, relogging fixed it (after running to vt)
[11:05 AM]Tanlin: ok
[11:05 AM]Tanlin: i'll relog
[11:07 AM]Tanlin: relogging fixed it
[11:07 AM]Tanlin: just wanted to give you guys a chance to take a look while it was happening
[11:08 AM]Tanlin: was like the client was speed up or something , character select was spinning very fast, when i camped out it took like 2 seconds instead of 30
[11:10 AM]solar: thanks for reporting it.  it happens with the client sometimes, it makes a measurement on timing when it's starting up and uses that as its time base.  with processors changing clock speeds or power saving modes and whatnot, this can happen if it somehow changes speed or if there are cores running at different speeds.  doesn't happen much on current CPUs since they have 'invariant tsc' and basically fixed this problem in hardware over the years but it can still happen
[11:11 AM]Tanlin: ah interesting, and np - did some minor testing while it was happening, it's actually so fast that it's unplayable almost
[11:11 AM]Tanlin: did persist thru zone lines etc
[11:12 AM]Tanlin: thanks for taking a look, seems good now.
[11:14 AM]solar: there was an application from AMD back in the day called the dual core optimizer.  when those CPUs first came out, there weren't dual core before that and games like everquest didn't expect the counter to be able to go backwards, so it broke them and it was messed up like that all the time as the OS moves the process between the cores.  so there were two workarounds, the AMD core optimizer which synchronized the counters across the cores, or just setting the affinity to stay on one core.  it's not usually necessary on current generation computers because they sync the counters and run at a constant speed now, but not every cpu is like that and people do use really old cpus here
[8:48 PM]cadsuane: @solar if relevant, I had that happen once  on a non-intel CPU. Probably my iMac G5 with original mac client, back in 2005 or so. 
does it still happen rarely on intel and windows also??
[8:49 PM]Devour: Yeah, it happens occasionally on Intel macs.