Getting Started on Linux (v3) Wine-Staging 6.0, vulkan & dxvk

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Revision as of 18:28, 13 October 2022 by Tragedie37 (talk | contribs) (Working on Ubuntu-based installation prerequisites)
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This is a work in progress. Please send any comments, corrections or concerns to @tragedie37 in the forums.

This installation procedure is a marriage between the original Linux installation instructions and @meriadoc's wonderful, but complicated, non-PlayOnLinux version.

The reason this page exists is because the original version would not recognize my hardware and the Meriadoc's version would due to its using vulkan and dkvx. Also, PlayOnLinux (POL) is much easier for me to control how many clients I am running. I like installing a base wine-staging wine system as well as POL; this usually ensures that 32-bit binaries are included in your distribution.


  1. Install wine and POL from the command line
    • Ubuntu/Ubuntu-based distros
      1. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
      2. sudo apt-get update
      3. Now, for wine, you have two choices, you can go with the default repository or with the latest from WineHQ
        1. WineHQ version
          1. Add the GPG key wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add - (NOTE: You may have to install wget and or curl sudo apt-get install wget curl
          2. Followed by: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
          3. Add the repository: sudo apt-add-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main"
          4. Install the wine-staging branch: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging winehq-staging:i386
          5. Verify your installation on the command line: wine --version
        2. Ubuntu or Ubuntu-based distro standard repository (NOTE: You may get an outdated version, but, it may be more stable or not, your mileage may vary)
          1. sudo apt-get update
          2. sudo apt-get install wine wine:i386
      4. For POL, it's a bit easier
        1. sudo apt-cache search playonlinux
        2. If you see a result, then type: sudo apt-get install playonlinux
        3. If you do not see a result, then something went wrong; visit POL's website or your distribution's website to figure out why
    • Arch/Arch-based distros
    • Void Linux
    • OpenSUSE
    • Solus