Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve (a.k.a. Plane of Earth B)

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General Zone Info | Description | Dangers | Benefits | Travel To/From
Adjacent Zones: Vegarlson the Earthen Badlands (a.k.a. Plane of Earth)

General Zone info[edit]

Level of Monsters: Mostly 65-75
Types of Monsters: giants, earth mephits, golems, elementals, vegerogs
Notable NPC's:
ZEM: 119 (158%)
Zone spawn timer:
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Dungeon: No
Bindability (Self/Others) : No/No
Succor point : X (-762) Y (328) Z (-56)
COTH possible : No
Can summon corpses : Yes
PoP Graveyard time : 30 minutes
Ground Spawns:
Foraged items: Foraged items
Allaclone links: Bestiary, Drops/Equipment
Zone restrictions To zone in: Planes of Power progression and Level 46




Traveling To and From Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve (a.k.a. Plane of Earth B)[edit]