Database Editor:Spawns

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Spawn Groups[edit]

Spawn groups are a collection of spawn points and a list of NPCs that are randomly selected to spawn in those spawn points. Spawn groups also have optional parameters that create a so-called 'roam box', which is a square area of the zone that these NPCs may randomly wander around in. If a roam box is not defined, then pathgrids will need to be created and assigned to spawn points for the NPCs to move.

Spawn Points[edit]

Spawn points are the world coordinates where the NPCs will spawn, with some additional parameters:

  • heading - The direction that the NPC will face.
  • respawn - The respawn time in seconds.
  • variance - The size of the time window that the NPC will randomly spawn in, with half of this value reducing the respawn time and half increasing the respawn time. E.g. if set to 86400 and the respawn is 604800, then the NPC's respawn will be 7 days +/- 12 hours, or 6.5 to 7.5 days.
  • pathgrid - The pathgrid that NPCs spawned by this spawn point will walk after spawning.
  • condition - Conditions prevent spawning unless the zone's value for the condition allow for it. This is how day/night NPCs work, for example. See this link for more information. A spawn with condition 0 will always spawn.
  • cond_value - The zone's value for this spawn's condition must be equal to or greater than cond_value to allow spawning. The zone value is set via script or spawn events.
  • version -
  • enabled - If this is not a '1' then this spawn point will be disabled.
  • animation - The position that the NPC will end up in after spawning. I.e. standing, sitting, couching, etc.
  • boot respawn - The amount of time after server reboot before the NPC spawns. If this is non-zero then this will override any previous spawn timer.
  • boot variance - This functions like the 'variance' parameter for boot respawns. If boot respawn is zero with this set then this will set the boot spawn value to half the boot variance value.
  • clear on boot - If this is '1' then reboots will clear the respawn timer for this spawn point. (i.e. it will repop the NPC) This is done before the boot respawn and variance are handled, so they still apply and those will override this setting.