AA's that will remain broken/useless or act differently than you expect

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Here you will find a list that may save you some headaches. There are a number of AA's that may not do what you expect them to do because of your class or your experiences later in EQ's life. Remember bugged/useless AA's that existed on AK will likely remain that way on TAKP since AK gameplay is trying to emulated here.

AA's to be Cautious of
Name Classes affected How you may expect it to work How it actually works
Celestial Regeneration Cleric Group heal over time spell. Single target ability instead. Also the refresh timer is incorrect. It will display 15 minutes, but won't be able to use for the full 72 minutes.
Channeling Focus Bards only Allows you to channel through what would otherwise be an interrupt It does nothing at all since Bards don't channel here. Just don't buy this AA if a Bard.
Extended Notes Bard Affects the range of all AE type spells Only affects beneficial group songs, does not affect those songs that are AE based (resists, Lceas, etc) or PBAoE songs (dots, snares, etc)
Frenzied Burnout Magician Stack will all haste up to the NPC limit Currently doesn't stack with "Ancient: Burnout Blaze" due to slot2: armor class buff stacking issue, it over-rides 80% haste of Ancient Burnout with 15% haste v3 of the AA which makes your pet do a lot less dmg. Upgraded spell (Burnout V)in PoP may resolve.
Jam Fest Bard The effects from the higher singing level increases a song's power on your group members (higher stats, etc) Only the Bard benefits from the higher singing level. Bard will receive the higher stats from the song, but not anyone else in the group.
Hobble Spirits Beastlord Stop a fleeing mob. The snare component maxes at 40% and while that is enough to stop a lot of mobs at the lower levels (and some at the upper), it is largely dependent on the mob's flee speed. It will often not stop a fleeing mob at the higher levels when you need it to. It also will block certain pet proc spells, such as Spirit of Snow.
Poison Mastery Rogue Description says: "Once one point is trained in this ability, you will never fail at poison application again." You can still fail at applying poisons, however the other functions of the AA still work.
Spell Casting Deftness and Quick Buff Enchanter AA's should stack. These AA's are redundant. Server side limit on spell casting haste is 50%, so you can get QB3 and it makes SCD pointless. This includes focus items and spells (BoF) as well. So, if you already have a focus item that gives you 25%, then you would only need QB2 to achieve that 50% as an example. Anything more would waste purchased AA's.
Fleet of Foot Bard Darchon said: "I believe this was broken on AK and would actually slow down bards. But I did a quick test on dev server. With no AA my #showstats runspeed was shown as 1.8 with Selos on. With ranks 1 and 2 of the AA it is still 1.8." Solar (TAKP Dev) resolved as: "I came up with a workaround for this. The AA people spent will be refunded and everyone will get FoF 3 for free (it normally only goes to level 2). This makes it so groups of mac/windows players will all be the same speed for /follow and bards can no longer buy this ability." https://www.takproject.net/forums/index.php?threads/fleet-of-foot-slows-down-bards-instead-of-speeding-them-up.21415/#post-105913

Forum thread for more info/discussion: AA's that don't behave how you'd expect