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Class Role Report Card AniMagician.gif
Healing: Pet-only
Tanking: Pet-dependent
DPS: Good
Debuffing: Good
Buffing: Fair
Crowd Control: Poor


Magicians are master summoners, able to call elemental pets to do their bidding and to conjure useful items from thin air. Magicians are primarily a magic-using class, with the ability to wear cloth armor and wield blunt weapons and daggers.

Elements pets are at the heart of a magician's offensive strategy, and typically accompany a magician in all his adventures. This pet provides protection for its master, along with powerful attacks and special abilities. Magicians have a large selection of fire- and magic-based damage spells, allowing them to mount a damaging magical assault in support of their elemental pet.

Titles by Level[edit]

Level 1-50 Level 51-54 Level 55-59 Level 60-64 Level 65
Magician Elementalist Conjurer Arch Mage Arch Convoker

Magician Spells[edit]

Level 1 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
51.gif Burst of Flame Single Target Fire Direct Damage 7 Instant Evocation Single target
89.gif Flare Fires a Non-Damaging Light Source Bolt-Type Projectile 3 Instant Evocation N/A
133.gif Minor Shielding Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points and Armor Class 10 27 Minutes Abjuration Self only
89.gif Reclaim Energy Sacrifice your Summoned Pet for Mana 5 Instant Conjuration Caster's pet
2.gif Summon Dagger Summons a NO-RENT Dagger 10 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Drink Summons a NO-RENT Globe of Water (Drink) 10 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Food Summons a NO-RENT Black Bread (Food) 10 Instant Conjuration Self only
79.gif True North Faces your character due North 5 Instant Divination Self only

Level 4 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
51.gif Burn Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 15 Instant Evocation Single target
38.gif Elementalkin: Air Summons a Elementalkin: Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementalkin: Earth Summons a Elementalkin: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementalkin: Fire Summons a Element: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementalkin: Water Summons a Element: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Fire Flux Point Blank Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 23 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the caster
31.gif Gate Self Only Teleport to your Bind Point 70 Instant Alteration Self only
76.gif Sense Summoned Faces your character towards the nearest Summoned creature. 5 Instant Divination Self only
37.gif Summon Bandages Summons 1/4x Your Level (Minimum 1) NO-RENT Bandages 15 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Brass Choker Summons a NO-RENT Jedahs Brass Choker
(Focus Item: Reagent Conservation)
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Holy Ale of Brell Summons a NO-RENT Brells Blessed Stout (Alcoholic Beverage) 15 Instant [[Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Wisp Summons a NO-RENT Wisp Stone (Light Source) 30 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 8 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
126.gif Dimensional Pocket Summons a NO-RENT Dimensional Pocket (100% Weight Reduction Bag) 40 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementaling: Air Summons a Elementaling:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementaling: Earth Summons a Elementaling: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementaling: Fire Summons a Elementaling: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elementaling: Water Summons a Elementaling: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
88.gif Eye of Zomm Summon a Floating Eye for Scouting 30 30 Seconds Conjuration Self only
51.gif Flame Bolt Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 40 Instant Evocation Single Target
18.gif Invisibility Single Target Invisibility 30 Up to 12 Minutes Divination Single target (Self or Group Member Only)
133.gif Lesser Shielding Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 25 24 Minutes Abjuration Self only
99.gif Renew Elements Pet Only Heal and Remove Disease Effects 25 Instant Alteration Caster's pet
157.gif Shield of Fire Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 40 6 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Single target
105.gif Shock of Blades Single Target Magic Based Direct Damage 30 Instant Conjuration Single target
2.gif Staff of Tracing Summons a NO-RENT Staff of Tracing (Magic 2H Blunt)
2 Charges of Flare
20 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Linen Mantle Summons a NO-RENT Tevees Linen Mantle
(Focus Item: Increase DoT/Debuff Duration)
40 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 12 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
30.gif Bind Affinity Set's a new Bind Point for the Target 100 Instant Alteration Single target (Self or Group Member)
53.gif Burnout Pet Only Increase Strength, Attack Rate, and Armor Class 35 15 Minutes Alteration Caster's pet
32.gif Cancel Magic Removes One Magic Based Effect from Target 30 Instant Abjuration Single target
51.gif Column of Fire Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 65 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the target
38.gif Elemental: Air Summons a Elemental:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
120 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elemental: Earth Summons a Elemental: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
120 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elemental: Fire Summons a Elemental: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
120 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Elemental: Water Summons a Elemental: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
120 Instant Conjuration Self only
105.gif Rain of Blades Rain Type Area Effect Magic Based Direct Damage 62 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
37.gif Summon Elemental Defender Summons a NO-RENT Elemental Defender (Secondary, Back, Pet-Equipable) 40 Instant Conjuration Self only
2.gif Summon Fang Summons a NO-RENT Snake Fang (Piercing) 40 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Tarnished Bauble Summons a NO-RENT Jolums Tarnished Bauble
(Focus Item: Decrease Mana Cost for Offensive Spells)
Instant Conjuration Self only
153.gif Ward Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 30 Instant Evocation Summoned Beings

Level 16 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
84.gif Identify Obtain item lore information (Must hold item on cursor) 50 Instant Divination Single target
38.gif Minor Summoning: Air Summons a Minor Summoning:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Summoning: Earth Summons a Minor Summoning: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Summoning: Fire Summons a Minor Summoning: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Summoning: Water Summons a Minor Summoning: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
Instant Conjuration Self only
1.gif Phantom Leather Self Only Increase Passive Hit Point Regeneration and Armor Class.
Consumes a Cat's Eye Agate when Cast.
45 Mintues Abjuration Self only
19.gif See Invisible Grants a Single Target the Ability to see Invisible Entities 25 27 Minutes Divination Single target
133.gif Shielding Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 50 36 Minutes Abjuration Self only
51.gif Shock of Flame Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 70 Instant Evocation Single target
2.gif Staff of Warding Summons a NO-RENT Staff of Warding (Magic 2H Blunt)
5 Charges of Gaze
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Heatstone Summons a NO-RENT Heatstone (Infravision) 40 Instant Conjuration Self only
2.gif Summon Throwing Dagger Summons a NO-RENT Throwing Dagger (throwing) 20 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Tiny Ring Summons a NO-RENT Nakis Tiny Ring
(Focus Item: Spell Haste)
40 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 19 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
108.gif Tiny Companion Decreases the Player's Pet Size by -50% 50 Effects last until zone or logout Alteration Caster's pet

Level 20 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
51.gif Bolt of Flame Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 105 Instant Evocation Single Target
148.gif Lesser Summoningal Shield Self Only Increase Fire and Cold Resistance 50 27 Minutes Abjuration Self only
153.gif Expulse Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 60 Instant Evocation Summoned beings
38.gif Lesser Summoning: Air Summons a Lesser Summoning:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Lesser Summoning: Earth Summons a Lesser Summoning: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Lesser Summoning: Fire Summons a Lesser Summoning: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Lesser Summoning: Water Summons a Lesser Summoning: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Rain of Fire Rain Type Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 150 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
99.gif Renew Summoning Pet Only Heal and Remove Disease Effects 100 Instant Alteration Caster's pet
157.gif Shield of Flame Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 60 6 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Single target
2.gif Spear of Warding Summons a NO-RENT Spear of Warding (Piercing) 60 Instant Conjuration Self only
127.gif Summon Arrows Summons a NO-RENT Arrow (Arrow) 30 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Jade Bracelet Summons a NO-RENT Gallenites Jade Bracelet
(Focus Item: Increase Direct Damage)
40 Instant Conjuration Self only
126.gif Summon Phantom Leather Summons a NO-RENT Phantom Satchel containing a set of NO-RENT Leather Armor 100 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Waterstone Summons a NO-RENT Waterstone
1 Charge of Enduring Breath
40 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 24 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
37.gif Cornucopia Summons a stack of NO-RENT Black Bread (Meal) 25 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Everfount Summons a stack of NO-RENT Globe of Water (Drink) 25 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Flame Flux Point Blank Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 123 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the caster
133.gif Major Shielding Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 80 45 Minutes Abjuration Self only
55.gif Malaise Single Target Reduce Cold, Fire, Magic, and Poison Resistance 60 4 Minutes and 48 Seconds Alteration Single target
161.gif Shock of Spikes Single Target Magic Based Direct Damage 110 Instant Conjuration Single target
2.gif Staff of Runes Summons a NO-RENT Staff of Runes (2H Blunt)
1 Charge of Cancel Magic
60 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summoning Silver Choker Summons a NO-RENT Jedahs Silver Choker
(Focus Item: Reagent Conservation)
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Summoning: Air Summons a Summoning:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
240 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Summoning: Earth Summons a Summoning: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
240 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Summoning: Fire Summons a Summoning: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
240 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Summoning: Water Summons a Summoning: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
240 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 29 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
53.gif Burnout II Pet Only Increase Strength, Attack Rate, and Armor Class 75 9 Minutes and 42 Seconds Alteration Caster's pet
153.gif Dismiss Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 90 Instant Evocation Summoned beings
4.gif Expedience Pet Increase Movement Rate 45 12 Minutes Alteration Caster's pet
38.gif Greater Summoning: Air Summons a Greater Summoning:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Summoning: Earth Summons a Greater Summoning: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Summoning: Fire Summons a Greater Summoning: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Summoning: Water Summons a Greater Summoning: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
157.gif Inferno Shield Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 80 3 Mintues and 54 Seconds Abjuration Single target
1.gif Phantom Chain Self Only Increase Passive Hit Point Regeneration and Armor Class.
Consumes two Cat's Eye Agate when Cast.
100 55 Minutes Abjuration Self only
105.gif Rain of Spikes Rain Type Area Effect Magic Based Direct Damage 162 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
37.gif Summon Coldstone Summons a NO-RENT Coldstone (Ultravision) 40 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Leather Mantle Summons a NO-RENT Tavees Leather Mantle
(Focus Item: Increase DoT/Debuff Duration)
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
126.gif Summon Phantom Chain Summons a NO-RENT Phantom Satchel containing a set of NO-RENT Chain Armor 200 Instant Conjuration Self only
2.gif Sword of Runes Summons a NO-RENT Sword of Runes (1H Slashing)
Combat Proc Ward Summoned
75 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 34 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
51.gif Blaze Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 155 Instant Evocation Single target
51.gif Cinder Bolt Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 175 Instant Evocation Single Target
126.gif Dimensional Hole Summons a NO-RENT Dimensional Hole (BAG) 60 Instant Conjuration Self only
133.gif Greater Shielding Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 120 54 Minutes Abjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Conjuration: Air Summons a Minor Conjuration:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Conjuration: Earth Summons a Minor Conjuration: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Conjuration: Fire Summons a Minor Conjuration: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Minor Conjuration: Water Summons a Minor Conjuration: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Monster Summoning I Summons a Monster Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
32.gif Nullify Magic Removes Two Magic Based Buffs/Debuffs from a Single Target 50 Instant Abjuration Single target
2.gif Staff of Symbols Summons a NO-RENT Staff of Symbols (2H Blunt)
4 Charges of See Invisible
80 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Shard of the Core Summons a NO-RENT Shard of the Core (Ultravision) 50 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Shiny Bauble Summons a NO-RENT Jolums Shiny Bauble
(Focus Item: Decrease Mana Cost for Offensive Spells)
80 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 39 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
157.gif Barrier of Combustion Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 100 3 Minutes and 54 Seconds Abjuration Single target
2.gif Dagger of Symbols Summons a NO-RENT Dagger of Symbols (Piercing) 100 Instant Conjuration Self only
153.gif Expel Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 130 Instant Evocation Summoned beings
51.gif Flame Arc Point Blank Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 199 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the caster
38.gif Lesser Conjuration: Air Summons a Lesser Conjuration:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Lesser Conjuration: Earth Summons a Lesser Conjuration: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Lesser Conjuration: Fire Summons a Lesser Conjuration: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Lesser Conjuration: Water Summons a Lesser Conjuration: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Rain of Lava Rain Type Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 250 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
120.gif Summon Companion Summons your pet to your location from within the same zone. 50 Instant Conjuration Self only
126.gif Summon Phantom Plate Summons a NO-RENT Phantom Satchel containing a set of NO-RENT Plate Armor 300 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Ring of Flight Summons a NO-RENT [1] ([[Ring of Levitation])
2 Charges of Levitate
100 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Twisted Ring Summons a NO-RENT Nakis Twisted Ring
(Focus Item: Spell Haste)
80 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 44 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
133.gif Arch Shielding Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, ArmoR11 Class, and Magic Resistance 200 1 Hour and 12 Minutes Abjuration Self only
38.gif Conjuration: Air Summons a Conjuration:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Conjuration: Earth Summons a Conjuration: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Conjuration: Fire Summons a Conjuration: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Conjuration: Water Summons a Conjuration: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
148.gif Elemental Armor Self Only Increase Cold and Fire Resistance 100 36 Minutes Abjuration Self only
162.gif Elementalal Maelstrom Single Target Magic Based Damage over Time 240 30 Seconds Evocation Single target
55.gif Malaisement Single Target Reduce Cold, Magic, Poison, and Fire Resistance 100 7 Minutes and 48 Seconds Alteration Single target
2.gif Modulating Rod Single Target Summon a NO-RENT Modulating Rod (1H Blunt)
1 Charge of Modulation
200 Instant Conjuration Single target
1.gif [Phantom Plate Self Only Increase Passive Hit Point Regeneration and Armor Class.
Consumes 3 Cat's Eye Aget when Cast.
200 1 Hour and 12 Minutes Abjuration Self only
99.gif Refresh Summoning Pet Only Heal and Remove Disease Effects 200 Instant Alteration Caster's pet
161.gif Shock of Swords Single Target Magic Based Direct Damage 250 Instant Conjuration Single target
37.gif Summon Opal Bracelet Summons a NO-RENT Gallenites Opal Bracelet
(Focus Item: Increase Direct Damage)
80 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 46 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
37.gif Summon Orb Summons a NO-RENT Orb of Mastery (1H Blunt).
Charges of Summon Epic Pet
500 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 49 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
153.gif Banish Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 225 Instant Evocation Summoned Beings
53.gif Burnout III Pet Only Increase Strength, Attack Rate, and Armor Class 150 15 Minutes Alteration Caster's pet
38.gif Greater Conjuration: Air Summons a Greater Conjuration:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Conjuration: Earth Summons a Greater Conjuration: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Conjuration: Fire Summons a Greater Conjuration: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Conjuration: Water Summons a Greater Conjuration: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Lava Bolt Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 300 Instant [[Evocation Single Target
105.gif Rain of Swords Rain Type Area Effect Magic Based Direct Damage 375 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
157.gif Shield of Lava Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 120 6 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Single target
37.gif Elemental Blanket Summons a NO-RENT Elemental Blanket (BACK SHOULDERS) 220 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 50 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
38.gif Monster Summoning II Summons a Monster Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
200 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Golden Choker Summons a NO-RENT Jedahs Golden Choker
(Focus Item: Reagent Conservation)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 51 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
126.gif Gift of Xev Summons a NO-RENT Glowing Backpack
Contains Black Bread, Globes of Water, and [2]
60 Instant Conjuration Self only
55.gif Malosi Single Target Reduce Cold, Magic, Poison, and Fire Resistance 175 10 Minutes and 48 Seconds Alteration Single target
51.gif Scintillation Point Blank Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 361 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the caster
37.gif Summon Silken Mantle Summons a NO-RENT Tavees Silken Mantle
(Focus Item: Increase DoT/Debuff Duration)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Vocarate: Earth Summons a Vocarate: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
300 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 52 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
126.gif Bristlebane's Bundle Summon a NO-RENT Ale, Cake, Spinning Bottle, and Firework 50 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Char Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 260 Instant Evocation Single target
1.gif Phantom Armor Self Only Increase Passive Hit Point Regeneration and Armor Class.Consumes 4 Cat's Eye Agate when Cast. 225 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Brilliant Bauble Summons a NO-RENT Jolums Brilliant Bauble
(Focus Item: Decrease Mana Cost for Offensive Spells)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
99.gif Transon's Elemental Infusion Pet Only Heal and Remove Disease Effects 275 Instant Conjuration Caster's pet
38.gif Vocarate: Fire Summons a Vocarate: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
300 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 53 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
32.gif Annul Magic Removes Three Magic Based Effects from Single Target 75 Instant Abjuration Single target
157.gif Boon of Immolation Group Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 360 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds [[Abjuration Group
127.gif Quiver of Marr Summons a NO-RENT Quiver of Marr (CONTAINER)
Contains 3 Stacks of Arrow of Marr
60 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Studded Ring Summons a NO-RENT Nakis Studded Ring
(Focus Item: Spell Haste)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Vocarate: Air Summons a Vocarate:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
300 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 54 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
126.gif Bandoleer of Luclin Summons a NO-RENT Bandoleer of Luclin (CONTAINTER)
Containing 3 Stacks of Knife of Luclin
60 Instant Conjuration Self only
148.gif Elemental Cloak Self Only Increase Cold and Fire Resistance 125 1 Hour and 12 Minutes Abjuration Self only
152.gif Phantasmal Armor Self Only Increase Passive Hit Point Regeneration and Armor Class.
Consumes a Pearl when Cast.
225 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only
51.gif Scars of Sigil Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 175 Instant Evocation Single Target
133.gif Shield of the Magi Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 300 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Ruby Bracelet Summons a NO-RENT Gallenites Ruby Bracelet
(Focus Item: Increase Direct Damage)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
18.gif Veil of Elements Self Only Invisibility 100 10 Minutes Divination Self only
38.gif Vocarate: Water Summons a Vocarate: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 55 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
53.gif Burnout IV Pet Only Increase Strength, Attack Rate and Armor Class 150 15 Minutes Alteration Caster's pet
102.gif Call of the Hero Summon Target Group Member in the same Zone to your current Location.
Consumes a Pearl when Cast.
500 Instant Conjuration Single target
126.gif Pouch of Quellious Summons a NO-RENT Pouch of Quellious (CONTAINER)
Containing 3 Stacks of Shuriken of Quellious
60 Instant [[Conjuration Self only
38.gif Rage of Zomm Summon a Low-Hit Point High DPS Burnout Pet 200 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Sirocco Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 399 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the target
162.gif Wrath of the Elements Single Target Magic Based Damage over Time 265 30 Seconds Evocation Single target

Level 56 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
157.gif Cadeau of Flame Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 155 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Single target
38.gif Dyzil's Deafening Decoy Summons a Dyzil's Deafening Decoy Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
350 Instant Conjuration Self only
153.gif Exile Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 250 Instant Evocation Summoned Beings
2.gif Mass Mystical Transvergance Area Effect Summons a NO-RENT Rod of Mystical Transvergance (1H Blunt)
3 Charges of Mystical Transvergance
2750 Instant Conjuration Friendly area of effect
16.gif Muzzle of Mardu Summons a NO-RENT Muzzle of Mardu (Pet:FACE)
Effect Haste
100 Instant Conjuration Self only
2.gif Rod of Mystical Transvergance Single Target Summons a NO-RENT Rod of Mystical Transvergance (1H Blunt)
3 Charges of Mystical Transvergance
400 Instant Conjuration Single target

Level 57 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
88.gif Eye of Tallon Summon an Invisible Floating Eye for Scouting, See Invisible 65 1 Minute Conjuration Self only
38.gif Greater Vocaration: Earth Summons a Greater Vocaration: Earth Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
400 Instant Conjuration Self only
161.gif Shock of Steel Single Target Magic Based Direct Damage 275 Instant Conjuration Single target

Level 58 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
38.gif Greater Vocaration: Fire Summons a Greater Vocaration: Fire Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
400 Instant Conjuration Self only
55.gif Malosini Single Target Decrease Cold, Magic, Poison and Fire Resistance 200 18 Minutes and 6 Seconds Alteration Single target
152.gif Transons Phantasmal Protection Self Only Increase Passive Hit Point and Mana Regeneration and Armor Class 325 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only
4.gif Velocity Pet Only Increase Movement Rate 60 36 Minutes Alteration Caster's pet

Level 59 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
38.gif Element: Air Summons a Element:Air Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
400 Instant Conjuration Self only
161.gif Manastorm Rain Type Area Effect Magic Based Direct Damage and Reduce Mana 427 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
161.gif Seeking Flame of Seukor Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 320 Instant Evocation Single Target
146.gif Valiant Companion Pet Only Apply Fearless Effect 200 3 Minutes and 30 Seconds Alteration Caster's pet

Level 60 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
157.gif Aegis of Ro Group Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 450 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Group
53.gif Ancient: Burnout Blaze Pet Only Increase Armor Class, Strength, Attack, and Melee Attack Rate 150 15 Minutes [[Alteration Caster's pet
51.gif Ancient: Shock of Sun Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 285 Instant Conjuration Single target
47.gif Banishment Destroy a Single Summoned Type Target
Consumes a Star Ruby
500 Instant Evocation Summoned beings
38.gif Greater Vocaration: Water Summons a Greater Vocaration: Water Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
400 Instant Conjuration Self only
162.gif Maelstrom of Electricity Rain Type Area Effect Magic Based Direct Damage 475 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the target
53.gif Mala Single Target Reduce Cold, Magic, Poison and Fire Resistance 350 13 Minutes Alteration Single target
38.gif Monster Summoning III Summons a Monster Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
400 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Shock of Fiery Blades Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 334 Instant Conjuration Single target
99.gif Transon's Elemental Renewal Pet Only Heal and Remove Disease Effects 400 Instant Conjuration Caster's pet

Level 61 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
16.gif Belt of Magi'Kot Summons a NO-RENT Belt of Magi`Kot (Pet: WAIST) 100 Instant Conjuration Self only
16.gif Blade of Walnan Summons a NO-RENT Blade of Walnan (PRIMARY SECONDARY)
Combat Proc Wrath of Wind
100 Instant Conjuration Self only
148.gif Elemental Barrier Self Only Increase Fire and Cold Resistance 75 1 Hour and 5 Minutes Abjuration Self only
51.gifFirebolt of Tallon Single Target Bolt of Fire Based Direct Damage 500 Instant Evocation Single Target
157.gif Flameshield of Ro Single Target Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 190 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Single target
133.gif Shield of the Arcane Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 350 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Glowing Bauble Summons a NO-RENT Jolums Glowing Bauble
(Focus Item: Decrease Mana Cost for Offensive Spells)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Platinum Choker Summons a NO-RENT Jedahs Platinum Choker
(Focus Item: Reagent Conservation)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Runed Mantle Summons a NO-RENT Tavees Runed Mantle
(Focus Item: Increase DoT/Debuff Duration)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Sapphire Bracelet Summons a NO-RENT Gallenites Sapphire Bracelet
(Focus Item: Increase Direct Damage)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
37.gif Summon Spiked Ring Summons a NO-RENT Nakis Spiked Ring
(Focus Item: Spell Haste)
160 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Ward of Xegony Summons a Ward of Xegony Pet.
Consumes a Malachite when Cast.
400 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 62 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
53.gif Burnout V Pet Only Increase Strenth, Attack, Armor Class and Melee Attack Rate 150 25 Minutes Alteration Caster's pet
16.gif Fist of Ixiblat Summons a NO-RENT Hand of Ixiblat (PRIMARY SECONDARY)
Combat Proc Wrath of Fire
100 Instant Conjuration Self only
83.gif Imbue Earth Summons a Brown Diamond of Earth.
Consumes a Raw Diamond and Earth Mephit Blood when Cast.
1000 Instant Alteration Self only
38.gif Servant of Marr Summons a Servant of Marr Pet. 400 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Sun Storm Rain Type Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 440 Instant (4 Waves) Evocation Area of effect around the target
16.gif Talisman of Return Summons a NO-RENT Talisman of Return (NECK).
1 Charge of Talisman Gate
300 Instant Conjuration Self only
152.gif Xegony's Phantasmal Guard Self Only Increase Armor Class and Passive Hit Point and Mana Regeneration 375 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only

Level 63 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
161.gif Black Steel Single Target Magic Based Direct Damage 360 Instant Conjuration Single target
16.gif Blade of The Kedge Summons a NO-RENT Blade of the Kedge (PRIMARY SECONDARY)
Combat Proc Wrath of Ice
100 Instant Conjuration Self only
38.gif Child of Ro Summons a Child of Ro Pet. 400 Instant Conjuration Self only
35.gif Elemental Silence Single Summoned Target Mesmerize 150 30 Seconds Conjuration Summoned beings
157.gif Maelstrom of Ro Group Apply Damage Shield Effect and Increase Fire Resistance 450 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds Abjuration Group
55.gif Malosinia Single Target Decrease Cold, Magic, Poison, and Fire Resistance 300 19 Minutes and 54 Seconds Alteration Single target
126.gif Summon Jewelry Bag Summons a NO-RENT Phantom Satchel (CONTAINER)
Contains a Jedahs Platinum Choker, Tavees Runed Mantle, Gallenites Sapphire Bracelet, Nakis Spiked Ring, and Jolums Glowing Bauble
300 Instant Conjuration Self only

Level 64 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
153.gif Destroy Summoned Single Summoned Target Magic Based Direct Damage 300 Instant Evocation Summoned beings
16.gif Girdle of Magi'Kot Summons a NO-RENT Girdle of Magi`Kot (Pet: WAIST) 100 Instant Conjuration Self only
83.gif Imbue Air Summons a Cloudy Diamond of Air.
Consumes a Raw Diamond and Air Mephit Blood when Cast.
1000 Instant Alteration Self only
162.gif Maelstrom of Thunder Point Blank Area Effect Magic Based Direct Damage 480 Instant Evocation Area of effect around the target
99.gif Planar Renewal Pet Only Heal and Remove Disease Effects 300 Instant Conjuration Caster's pet
133.gif Shield of Maelin Self Only Increase Maximum Hit Points, Armor Class, and Magic Resistance 300 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Abjuration Self only

Level 65 Spells[edit]

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
27.gif Call of the Arch Mage Single Summoned Target Charm (Makes it your temporary Pet) 500 20 Minutes and 30 Seconds Alteration Summoned beings
83.gif Imbue Fire Summons a Red Diamond of Fire
Consumes a Raw Diamond and Fire Mephit Blood when Cast.
1000 Instant Alteration Self only
83.gif Imbue Water Summons a Aqua Diamond of Water
Consumes a Raw Diamond and Water Mephit Blood when Cast.
1000 Instant Alteration Self only
38.gif Rathe's Son Summons a Rathe's Son Pet. 400 Instant Conjuration Self only
51.gif Sun Vortex Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage 395 Instant Conjuration Single target


External links[edit]