Fine Antique Ring

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The fastest way to do this is prolly to hit the bazaar for all components. But if they are not there, here's a quick run for killing:

1) Go to the cat city and go down into the pit and get your tiny rockhopper eye. Skip everything down there and just kill the *young* rockhoppers till you get one (unless you're low enough level to get xp, then go nuts :)). To me this is just too easy to be worth buying off a vendor.

2) undead froggie tongues will drop off the lowbie undead froggies in the swamp. Failing that, go to Gukta (good) or Oggok (bad) and search the first few nearby vendors. A quick shout in Guk or L Guk can sometimes get you a free tongue too.

3) Go to OT portal and pound on cocatrices. A fast shout to the zone can also get you a beak - often for free. Failing that check the nearby vendors in OT or FV depending on faction.

4) The cougars are the hard part. They are still worth xp at lvl 30 or so. However the handy dandy gnome merchants (indiff to all I think) will often have your pelt.


Go to PoK - in a building very near the Erudin PoK stone (north end of zone), hail Curator Merri tell yer you need a collector's box. (You need an open inventory slot to put the box in.

6) Put your eye, tongue, cougar skin, and beak in the box and click combine.

7) Walk past Merri to the cat in the back of the same room (Holly Longtail) - give her the box - poof you have your ring.