Plane of Torment

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Revision as of 20:09, 4 May 2024 by Mokli (talk | contribs) (→‎General Zone info)
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General Zone Info | Description | Dangers | Benefits | Travel To/From
Adjacent Zones: Plane of Tranquility

General Zone info[edit]

Level of Monsters: Mostly 58-65
Types of Monsters: Tormentors, Mouth of Insanities, ravens
Notable NPC's:
ZEM: 145 (193%)
Zone spawn timer:
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Dungeon: Yes
Bindability (Self/Others) : No/No
Succor point : X (-341) Y (1706) Z (-491)
COTH possible : No
Can summon corpses : No
PoP Graveyard time : 30 minutes
Ground Spawns:
Foraged items: Foraged items
Allaclone links: Bestiary, Drops/Equipment
Zone restrictions To zone in: (Planes of Power progression or Alternate Access Quest and Level 46) OR level 55 (still need proper flags to progress through PoP)


A huge, black cube floats silently in the ether that lies between the planes. This is the Plane of Torment and is a manifested reflection of the cruelty, pain and suffering of the mind, body and spirit that the goddess Saryrn embodies. The very plane itself is formed of and bound together by the misery of its inhabitants, and it forever thirsts to add to this suffering so that it may continue to grow in power.

Above a large lake of blood are suspended many interconnected islands, hoisted and held aloft by barbed chains fastened to obsidian pillars. Suspension bridges connect the islands. A fine mist of blood stains the air and coats all in a crimson sheen.

The Citadel of Pain looms as the largest structure in the plane amid a network of ramps, bridges and islands. Gushing streams of blood pour from the sides of the citadel. Saryrn, the Mistress of Torment and Pain resides here, enjoying from her windowed private chamber a panoramic view of the pain and suffering that is her ethos.



Traveling To and From Plane of Torment[edit]