Bone Mail Armor Quests

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Revision as of 10:51, 21 February 2024 by ApeBit (talk | contribs)
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Shopping list for Bone Mail Armor:

17 - Silk Threads which equals 34 spiderling silks

6 - Ruined Wolf Pelts

2 - LQ WOlf Pelts

1 - MQ Wolf Pelt

2 - Calcified Footbones

2 - Calcified Fingerbones

2 - Calcified Ulnas

2 - Calcified Tibias

2 - Calcified Humerus

1 - Calcified Skull

1 - Calcified Pelvis

1 - Calcified Sternum

1 - Calcified Ribcage


4 Silk threads

1 Medium quality wolf pelt

1 Calcified sternum

1 Calcified ribcage


3 Silk threads

1 Low quality wolf pelt

2 Calcified tibia

1 Calcified pelvis


2 Silk thread

2 Ruined wolf pelts

2 Calcified foot bones


2 Silk threads

1 Low quality wolf pelt

2 Calcified humerus bones


2 Silk thread

1 Ruined wolf pelt

2 Calcified finger bones


2 Silk threads

1 Ruined wolf pelt

1 Calcified skull


1 Silk thread

1 Ruined wolf pelt

1 Calcified ulna bone


leathered zombie flesh

1 petrified humeus bone

1 petrified rib bone


4 petrified femurs