Plane of Nightmare

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General Zone Info | Description | Dangers | Benefits | Travel To/From
Adjacent Zones: Plane of Tranquility, Crypt of Terris Thule (a.k.a. Plane of Nightmare B)

General Zone info[edit]

Level of Monsters: Mostly 51-65
Types of Monsters: banshees, wraiths, spiders, gargoyles, werewolves, mephits, hobgolbins, bats, ravens, trees
Notable NPC's:
ZEM: 145 (193%)
Zone spawn timer:
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Dungeon: No
Bindability (Self/Others) : No/No
Succor point : X (1668) Y (282) Z (212)
COTH possible : No
Can summon corpses : No
PoP Graveyard time : 15 minutes
Ground Spawns:
Foraged items: Foraged items
Allaclone links: Bestiary, Drops/Equipment
Zone restrictions To zone in: Level 46


In the mists of the darker portions of the astral lurks the Plane of Nightmares, home to the horrors that crouch in the subconscious of all creatures' minds. A dense forest dominates much of the plane, pockmarked by many small clearings. The trees are gnarled, their bark twisted into patterns that resemble horrific faces. These sentient creatures are powerful and malevolent, springing to life when any mortal being enters the realm. A river bisects the forest, eventually pouring into a great, murky lake. In the caverns beneath the earth live still more nightmares.

All indigenous creatures of the Plane of Nightmares serve the Dream Scorcher, Terris-Thule. The demi-goddess daughter of Cazic-Thule, she is the master of the subconscious who terrorizes those drawn into her realm as they slumber.



Traveling To and From Plane of Nightmare[edit]