Reef of Coirnav (a.k.a. Plane of Water)

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General Zone Info | Description | Dangers | Benefits | Travel To/From
Adjacent Zones: Plane of Tranquility

General Zone info[edit]

Level of Monsters: Mostly 63-70
Types of Monsters: Piranha, Shark, Swordfish, Fish, Turtles, water mephits, Hraquis, crab, Kraken, frogs
Notable NPC's:
ZEM: 160 (213%)
Zone spawn timer:
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Dungeon: Yes
Bindability (Self/Others) : No/No
Succor point : X (-165) Y (-1250) Z (4)
COTH possible : Only possible to just before depth 3, around -250, -80
Can summon corpses :
PoP Graveyard time : 20 minutes
Ground Spawns:
Foraged items: Foraged items
Allaclone links: Bestiary, Drops/Equipment
Zone restrictions To zone in: Planes of Power progression and Level 46


The Plane of Water consists of a great coral reef of two levels known as the Reef of Coirnav. The upper section the reef is a sprawl of vibrant coral teeming with sea life, such as tropical fish, sponges and anemones. Deep within the reef live societies of intelligent aquatic beings as well as servants of the Avatar of Water, Coirnav.

Coirnav is a pure creature called into being by the Triumvirate of Water, with the assistance of other entities of the planes, and is a representation of the three greater elemental gods. It is said Coirnav lies dormant within his domain, waiting for the time that he would be called upon to fully embody the three of the Triumvirate.



Traveling To and From Reef of Coirnav (a.k.a. Plane of Water)[edit]