Stonehand Armor Quests

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Newbie armor quest for all human monks. All items drop in EC, WC, Nro, and can be bought off local vendors in those zones and all Freeport zones.

The quest is initiated by speaking to Klom Jysun, in the West Freeport monk's guild. He is near the entrance. Hail him and talk with him, and make sure to let him know that you are [interested]. He will give you the fighter's loom, 10 slot/ 10 wt. container which you may combine items in. Additionally, when you want to get a pattern to craft your hides with, simply inform him, "I want to craft a XXXXX".

When the stonehand hide and the correct pattern are placed in any sewing kit (small, large, or loom), the items will combine and you may use them.

Item - Materials

Bracer - 1 matted lion pelt, 2 rat ears, 1 coyote pelt, 1 cloth wrist

Glove - 3 matted lion pelts, 1 giant scarab eye, 1 rat whisker, 1 ale, 1 armadillo carapace*

Robe - 5 matted lion pelts, 1 high quality cat pelt, 1 lion mane, 1 leaf scarab carapace, 1 giant scarab brain, 1 cloth shirt

Sandals - 3 matted lion pelts, 1 giant spider egg sac, 2 severed orc foot, 1 bone chips, 1 cloth sandals

Trouser - 4 matted lion pelts, 1 dervish cutthroat insignia ring, 1 spider venom sac, 1 cracked giant scarab carapace

Sleeves - 2 matted lion pelts, 2 lion's tails*, 1 cloth sleeves

Cap(untested) - 2 matted lion pelts, 1 malachite, 1 snake scale, 1 cloth cap

  • asterisked items are No Drop

Total matted lion pelts required: 21 with cap and 2 bracers

Locations for materials:

Cloth clothing - Vendors (Linadian in WFP, wood elf, between gates and NFP area next to a lake sells all but sandals, loc 50, -300; Murissa Sandwhisper sells the cloth sandals in Nro near EFP zoneline)

Vendors - most items sell for about 5-6 gp from vendors, if they have it in stock. Cutthroat rings are 2pp, the highest priced item. Simply check all the vendors nearby.

Matted lion pelts - EC from young pumas, pumas, woodland lions, woodland lionesses, Nro from young pumas and pumas

Rat ears - WFP/EFP newbie area

Coyote pelt - Nro Grassy area

Giant scarab eye - Nro/Oasis sand scarabs, all over the zone

Rat whisker - WFP/EFP newbie area

Ale - Alcohol-type vendors (EFP, NFP), mug-type graphic

Armadillo Carapace(No Drop) - Nro grassy area

High quality cat pelt - EC woodland lions, woodland lionesses, middle to end of zone

Lion(ess) Mane - EC woodland lions, woodland lionesses, middle to end of zone; calls for Lioness mane in recipe but Lion mane is the item required

Leaf Scarab Carapace - EC Giant leaf scarabs, middle to end of zone

Giant scarab brain - Nro/Oasis sand scarabs, all over zone

Giant spider egg sac - EC large and giant spiders

Severed orc feet - Nro orc raiders, EC orc centurions

Bone chips - Any skeleton

Cutthroat Insignia Ring - Nro, Sro, Dervish cutthroat camps

Spider venom sac - EC large and giant spiders, all over zone

Cracked giant scarab carapace - Nro/Oasis sand scarabs, all over zone

Lion tails(No Drop) - EC, Woodland lions and lionesses

Malachite - jewelry vendors (Nfp - blue house, from Jade)

Snake scale - EFP/WFP newbie area


Bracer - 2 ac, 3 sta, 0.3 wt

Gloves - 3 ac, 3 sta, 2 agi, 0.2 wt

Robe - 6 ac, 5 sta, 2 agi, 0.9 wt

Sandals - 4 ac, 2 sta, 1 agi, 0.2 wt

Trousers - 5 ac, 4 sta, 2 agi, 0.8 wt

Sleeves - 4 ac, 5 sta, 2 agi, 0.5 wt

Cap - unknown

Total stats (sans cap, bracer x2) - 26 ac, 22 sta, 9 agi, 3.3 wt


-Make sure, just as with quest turn ins and other combines, that items are unstacked.

-Giant scarab egg sacs and giant spider egg sacs have the same graphic, don't confuse them. Same as young plains cat scalps and matted lion pelts.

-While the bracers are not lore, the stonehand bracer hides are. Make an entire bracer before making a second one.

-Giant scarabs and the woodland lions are the most difficult mobs to handle. I would be at least level 10 for lions, and perhaps 11 for scarabs, solo.

-Quests can be done by an agnostic monk, with no faction work. No faction hits are given for completion of the armor.