Bone Mail Armor Quests

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Shopping list for Bone Mail Armor:

17 - Silk Threads which equals 34 spiderling silks

6 - Ruined Wolf Pelts

2 - LQ WOlf Pelts

1 - MQ Wolf Pelt

2 - Calcified Footbones

2 - Calcified Fingerbones

2 - Calcified Ulnas

2 - Calcified Tibias

2 - Calcified Humerus

1 - Calcified Skull

1 - Calcified Pelvis

1 - Calcified Sternum

1 - Calcified Ribcage

List by armor item:


4 Silk threads

1 Medium quality wolf pelt

1 Calcified sternum

1 Calcified ribcage


3 Silk threads

1 Low quality wolf pelt

2 Calcified tibia

1 Calcified pelvis


2 Silk thread

2 Ruined wolf pelts

2 Calcified foot bones


2 Silk threads

1 Low quality wolf pelt

2 Calcified humerus bones


2 Silk thread

1 Ruined wolf pelt

2 Calcified finger bones


2 Silk threads

1 Ruined wolf pelt

1 Calcified skull


1 Silk thread

1 Ruined wolf pelt

1 Calcified ulna bone


leathered zombie flesh

1 petrified humeus bone

1 petrified rib bone


4 petrified femurs


Visit Ulraz S`Lon in the Lodge of the Dead, Neriak 3rd Quarter. He is one of the Shadow Knight guildmasters in the center room on the first floor of the building, this is in the room your newly created character appeared in and he is listed in the find function.

NOTE: You only need to do this part if you need a Mail Assembly Kit container. If you have the container from a previous combine, you can skip straight to Krivn S`Tai.

You say, 'Hail, Ulraz S`Lon'

Ulraz S`Lon says 'So you are the next pathetic maggot I have the displeasure of training to be a useful Shadowknight of the Lodge of the Dead. First you must get yourself outfitted in a suit of [armor], those rags you wear can not even contain the stench of your miserable hide and will do no good protecting it from the edge of an enemies blade.'

You say, 'What armor?'

Ulraz S`Lon says 'Seek Krivn S'Tai in the Commoner quarter of Neriak and give him this request parchment. Krivn S'Tai has been paid in advance by the Lodge of the Dead for the requested service. Simply give him the request parchment and he will instruct you further. When you have outfitted yourself in a suit of armor return to the Lodge of the Dead and I will grant you [another task].'

Take the Parchment he gives you to Krivn S`Tai in the Blue Flame in Neriak Commons (65, -885, -40, he is listed on find as an armor merchant).

When you hand him the note:

Krivn S`Tai says 'So you are one of Ulraz's new recruits. You are to assist in the construction of the armor you will don as a new Shadowknight of the Lodge of the Dead. I have assembled a kit that is used in the crafting of Bone Mail. You must travel beyond Neriak into the Nektulos Forest for the [materials] that compose the armor.'

You receive an 8-slot container called a Mail Assembly Kit.

You say, 'What materials?'

Krivn S`Tai says 'Many species of dangerous creatures and even the walking remains of the dead inhabit the Nektulos Forest. You must defeat these creatures and undead in order to obtain the materials. The materials you seek depend on the piece of armor you desire. Do you desire to craft [gloves], [boots], a [bracer], a [coif], [leggings], [sleeves], or a [tunic]?'

You say, 'Tell me about the tunic'

Krivn S`Tai says 'To craft a Bone Mail Tunic you require four [silk thread], a medium quality wolf skin, a calcified sternum, and a calcified ribcage. Once you have the necessary components combine them in your Bone Mail Kit with this Tattered Tunic Pattern.'

You receive a Tattered Tunic Pattern.

You say, 'Where does silk thread come from?'

Krivn S`Tai says 'Silk Thread is sewn by a tailor using a [sewing kit] or a community [loom]. Two spiderling silks combined in the sewing kit or loom will create one silk thread.'

You say, 'What is a sewing kit?'

Krivn S`Tai says 'A sewing kit may be purchased at the Furrier Royale in Neriaks Third Quarter or at the Silk Underground in Neriaks Foreign Quarter. A community loom may be found at the Silk Underground in Neriaks Foreign Quarter.'

You say, 'And where would I find a loom?'

Krivn S`Tai says 'A sewing kit may be purchased at the Furrier Royale in Neriaks Third Quarter or at the Silk Underground in Neriaks Foreign Quarter. A community loom may be found at the Silk Underground in Neriaks Foreign Quarter.'

Gather the items and armor pattern, then combine in the Mail Assembly Kit.

NOTE: The container isn't consumed in the combine, so you can keep it for other armor pieces.