Shadowknight Leveling Guide

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This leveling guide is a reflection of my experience as a Dark Elf Shadowknight. I tried to find places I could XP at as a casual without having to get on a waitlist. I also Boxed a Druid which gave me several options and did not deter me from traveling far from PoK books. I often bound my druid at kill spots and would port him out to sell/bank and gate him back to me.

I highly encourage people to add other players into their group regardless of boxing or not. The game is meant to be social, and the bonus XP for 4+ players is really nice on this server.

[Levels 1-8] If you are a new player with no twink gear, I recommend staying in your newbie area and completing your newbie armor questlines. Link for Newbie Quests how to start them. This will get you good starter gear that will last you a while. Try to focus on the questing aspect and not the leveling. It won't seem as grindy, and it is really fun to do.

If this is not your first rodeo, then either stay in your starting area or move to Field of Bone. I recommend Field of Bone as it has the most amount of things to kill within a tiny area. Very little downtime.

[Levels 9-20] Kurns. Start with entrance mobs/first floor. Move around or pull to zone line. You can then move up to second floor and even third floor. Once you reach level 18, make your way into the basement and finish out level 20.

[Level 20-32] Unrest. On TakP, most people like to stay near PoK books. Unrest is away from PoK books and amazing. I had the entire zone to myself for 12 levels. Start with the courtyard area to get your bearings. Move to just inside the house and wait/kill the two pathers. Once they are dead, you can move around the first floor or just keep pulling to the front. The Undead outside won't agro through the front door unless you are sitting right on it. Once you hit level 25 it is time to head up to the second floor and work the fire place. At level 32, the mobs start to light blue out, and there are better places to go.

  • [Levels 25-27] Epic Quest while gaining XP. This is a good level range to start questing Ghoulbane. There are three ways to get the weapon for your epic.
    • Kill Frogloks (Rare Drop)
    • kill a High Elf (100% drop rate, but he's higher level) You will probably have to wait till you're 50+ to do this one
    • Or you can Quest it. If you decide to quest it, you might as well do it during levels that gain you XP while doing so. Two birds with one stone type of thing. The quest DOES work on this server. I have done it and can confirm.

[Optional XP place] - You can always kill Goblins High Hold Keep (HHK) for the same amount of levels. Keep in mind it will be a bit crowded during peak hours. HHK has merchants, bank, easy zone out, and spells for some classes, and therefore, is more attractive to players.

[Level 32-??] I am currently leveling in this bracket and will fill out once I find what is best for my Boxing trio.