Getting Started on Linux
This is a work in progress. Please send questions or comments to krakmojo via a Conversation in the forums.
Current Process to install TAKP EQ on Linux
- Install Wine and PlayOnLinux
- Arch: From Console: "sudo pacman -S wine playonlinux"
- Debian: From Console: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine playonlinux"
- RHEL/CentoS/Fedora
- Download the Windows Client v2.0 mentioned in the Windows section
- Download the latest Free The Mouse dll mentioned mentioned in the Windows section (currently v3.5.3)
- Download the 32 bit dinput8.dll version 6.0.6001.18000 from
- Open PlayOnLinux
- Tools
- Manage Wine Versions
- Install Wine v2.2-staging (x86) and close that window
- Using your File Manager, go to ~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/2.2-staging/lib/ and delete the 4 files with names containing ""
- Manage Wine Versions
- Configure
- New→ Next
- 32 bits Windows installation
- Name this WINE instance. I named mine TAKP
- Highlight TAKP
- Install Components
- Install D3Dx9,
- Install vcrun2010
- Install dinput8
- Wine
- Configure Wine
- Go to the Staging Tab
- Enable CSMT for better graphic performance
- Install Components
- Go to the Display Tab
- Set GLSL to Disabled
- Tools
- Open up your file manager
- Copy TAKP Folder from Pre-Configured Windows client to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/TAKP/drive_c/
- Copy dinput8.dll version 6.0.6001.18000 to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/TAKP/drive_c/windows/system32/ and replace the one that is there.
- Go back to PlayOnLinux Configuration
- Select TAKP
- Make New shortcut
- eqgame.exe→ next
- Name it whatever you want, I named mine TAKP
- Select "I don't want to make another shortcut"
- Select TAKP
- Select TAKP and hit run
- Note that when TAKP EQ enters full screen it will lose focus, you will need to Alt-Tab or re-select the game by other means the first time.
- You can run the eqgame.exe multiple times and it will automatically rename the windows Client1, Client2, Client3, etc
- Repeat this process to create additional instances for multi-boxing that doesn't share files.
Optional Window Switching Global Hotkeys
- Install AutoKey
- Open Autokey and make a new script for each instance you want to switch to.
- Paste the following into the script replacing TAKP1 with the name of your
if window.wait_for_exist('Client1', 0) == True: system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)
else: system.exec_command('/usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "TAKP1" %F', getOutput=True)
- Set up the key bindings you want for each window you want to switch to, changing the Client# to match the number of the corresponding EQ instance
- While AutoKey is running, when you use the Global Hotkey, it will check to see if the Client# is running, if it is it will switch to that window, if it isn't it will start a new instance of EQ.
To Scroll between the Clients numerically set up hotkeys with the following. I've bound them to Ctrl+Alt+Up and Ctrl+Alt+Down respectively.
- Enter script code
winTitle = window.get_active_title()
if winTitle == ('Client1'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client3", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client2'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client3'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client2", False)
else: system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client3", False)
- Enter script code
winTitle = window.get_active_title()
if winTitle == ('Client1'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client2", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client2'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client3", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client3'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)
else: system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)
Linux Troubleshooting
- Mouse cursor is moving too rapidly:
- Open PlayonLinux
- Configure
- Select your TAKP install
- Miscellanious Tab
- Set "Mouse Warp Override" to "Enable"
- Miscellanious Tab
- Select your TAKP install
- Configure