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Class Role Report Card AniMonk.gif
Healing: Poor, self only
Tanking: Fair
DPS: Excellent
Debuffing: N/A
Buffing: N/A
Crowd Control: Only with Skill_FeignDeath

Monks devote their energies to the pursuit of physical perfection, shaping their bodies into deadly machines. Monks are a melee class with the ability to wear leather armor, wield blunt weapons, and use unarmed combat styles.

Monks forego heavy armor and almost all weapons in order to hone themselves into masters of combat, using their fists and a stout staff to make their mark upon Norrath. Monks learn many special attacks to enhance their damage-dealing abilities, including the dragon punch and the legendary flying kick.

Hand to Hand Damage/Delay

Level Range Human Ratio Iksar Ratio
1-4 4/36 4/36
5-9 5/36 5/36
10-14 6/36 6/36
15-19 7/36 7/36
20-24 8/36 8/36
25-29 9/35 9/36
30-34 10/34 10/35
35-39 11/33 11/34
40-44 12/32 12/33
45-49 13/31 13/32
50-52 14/30 14/31
53-55 14/29 14/30
56-58 14/28 14/29
59 14/27 14/28
60 14/26 14/27
  • Note: Fists become magical at level 30.
  • Note: Beastlords follow the Iksar ratios

Monk PoP Non-Raid Gear Ideas

  1. Head: Custom cowl of mortality Alt: Ornate Leather
  2. Face: Eyepatch of Plunder
  3. Neck: Any +6 Talisman Alt: Black Plated Collar
  4. Back: Cloak of Lesser Pernicity
  5. Shoulders: Stormrider Wing Mantle
  6. Chest: Fungi Tunic Alt: Ornate
  7. Arms: Spirit Wracked Cord Alt: Hardened Grey Flesh Sleeves
  8. Wrist: Ornate Leather
  9. Wrist: Ornate Leather
  10. Finger: Valorium Ring of Gallantry
  11. Finger: Valorium Ring of Gallantry
  12. Waist: Heavy Tooled Weapon Belt Alt: Broken Drivebelt (rare junk beast drop - unsure if it will sell)
  13. Hands: Celestial Fists Alt: Ornate Leather
  14. Legs: flayed barbarian skin leggings
  15. Feet: Ornate Leather
  16. Primary: Staff of Flowing Water Alt: Tranquil Staff
  17. Secondary: Alt:
  18. Range: Shissar Fangs
  19. Ear: Bloodmetal Earring of Engagement
  20. Ear: Blood Earring of Rage

Monk PoP BiS Gear Ideas

  1. Head: -
  2. Face: -
  3. Neck: -
  4. Back: -
  5. Shoulders: -
  6. Chest: -
  7. Arms: -
  8. Wrist: -
  9. Wrist: -
  10. Finger: -
  11. Finger: -
  12. Waist: -
  13. Hands: -
  14. Legs: -
  15. Feet: -
  16. Primary: - Staff of Transcendence
  17. Secondary: -
  18. Range: Shissar Fangs
  19. Ear: -
  20. Ear: -


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