Crown of Deceit

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Caveat and warning

Some important caveats need to be laid out before getting into this quest that are specific to TAKP and the fact that Luclin is the era we are in. Depending on what race/deity/class your character is, this may be impossible for you to complete until your guild is actively raiding Vex Thal.

If you are of any of the following races AND deities (need one of each), you may have some setbacks:

  • Deity: Bertoxxulous, Cazic Thule, Innoruuk
  • Race: Dark Elf, Ogre, Troll, Iksar

If you are any combination of those, you will not be able to reach the the required faction level with the Frogloks of Guk (Warmly), without a) equiping a Scalp of the Ghoul Lord AND b) using some form of illusion of a race that is not evil. Notice that Rallos Zek is not listed above, so it is possible for RZ Ogres as an example to finish this quest without an illusion.

The latter is the hard part. During the Luclin era, there is only one illusion clicky that everyone can use. Its the Circlet of Disguise. This is dropped uncommonly in Vex Thal from one of the blob raid bosses.

The only other possible avenue is if you are a Dark Elf or Troll Shaman or Cleric trying to do this quest. There is Skinned Halfling Face Mask which can be used, via the Innoruuk Disciple quest.

Planes of Power has been released and the above is no longer relevant. Just have an Enchanter project an illusion of a good race on you when dealing with the old froglok. You will still need the scalp if you would have before.

The Quest

The quest begins in the Plane of Knowledge. Sage Balic may be found at the top of the tower in the neutral section of town at /location -15, 60.

You say, 'Hail, Sage Balic'

Sage Balic says 'Greetings friend. Welcome to my place of private contemplation. I relax here and leaf through my old studies, admiring at creations from the past made by races we thought would never amount to anything. My favorite tomes to look at are those that deal with Frogloks.'

You say, 'What frogloks?'

Sage Balic says 'A surprising race to study is the Frogloks of Antonica. While we may think their magic was weak, it was at one time so powerful the Gods reached down and smote them for their creations. Balls of energy that made life into magic! Their High Enchanter even made a mask that transformed the wearer into a Teir`Dal! Quite an interesting race worthy of some study if you ask me, someday I shall like to go and see these frogloks, especially to learn more knowledge of the magical mask.'

You say, 'What magical mask?'

Sage Balic blinks and looks at you. 'I have told you all that I know, for more knowledge you will need to seek its creator. The enchanter is more than likely very old, the mask having been made at the height of the power of the Froglok race. Here take this picture book to aid you in your quest.'

Sage Balic hands you a Picturebook.

In Upper Guk, find "an old froglok" (location 1280, +220, -94; PH = "a froglok ton shaman" but does not need to be killed as it will despawn in place of the old froglok).

You must have at least 'warmly' faction with Frogloks of Guk in order to get a response out of it. For the evil races + evil deities mentioned above, that will typically mean scalp from the Ghoul Lord + max faction + some type of illusion of a good or neutral race. I was not able to do this with my faction down by five points as an example, so all three conditions have to be met.

The Allakhazam quest mentions killing undead frogloks in Old Seb. Unfortunately, this is out of era for TAKP. Those frogs will not give you faction here. Factioning will need to be done in Lower Guk. Usually what is done is you setup in the safe hall (somewhere near +825,-700 on the lower level), then pull individual trains from north, east, and south and either AE them down using Enchanter PBAE stunns and PBAE nukes or simply have a beefy tank kill them with a DS/attacks. Make sure to use a heal with low agro, such as Cleric hot's or Druid CH. If the toon you want to faction on has a low level PBAE spell, you can cast that once on the group of mobs to register a faction hit. However, I tend to like a non-healing low agro buff, such as see-invis on the tank that has aggro.

The safe hall is marked on this map:

2019-11-12 lguk safehall.png

You say, 'Hail, an old froglok'

an old froglok says 'Frroooaaaaaakkkk!'

Give him the book.

an old froglok backflips and says, 'Frroooaaaaaakkkk! I'm in this book! You see me! Owww that flip hurt my old bones! Frroooaaaaaakkkk! Look there is a picture of my maaask from long ago! Frroooaaaaaakkkk! I keep book! You taaake this recipe! Maaaybe more! I'm in book! Frroooaaaaaakkkk!'

Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk got better.

You receive an Elf Essence Recipe, which reads:

Grind up the parts of both the elves of dark and the elves of light, of which descended from the same tree. A source of celestial liquid as the base and the fungus from this scroll shall cause a reaction that will decant the pure essence.

You say, 'What about the mask?'

an old froglok says, 'Frroooaaaaaakkkk! Speciaaal maaask I maaake for sneaky types! Lost long ago! Baaad frogs taaake! I too old to maaake more! Frroooaaaaaakkkk! Maaagic aaalmost used up! So cold! You help me! I help you!'

You say, 'I will help you.'

an old froglok says, 'Frroooaaaaaakkkk! So cold! You bring me waaarm velium mastodon fur cloaaak! I need supplies! You bring me maaana juice! You bring me elf essence! You bring me sturdy froglock crown those naaasty big frogs stole! Frroooaaaaaakkkk! I maaake you something nice! So cold! You bring me all those things, don't forget cloaaak!'

The Froglok needs four things:

  • Elf Essence (crafted via baking)
  • Reet Froglok Crown (drops in Old Sebilis from "reet" mobs in the juggernaut tunnels, the north and south side rooms at #3 and the caves to the east on the EQAtlas map)
  • Vial of Purified Mana (summoned by an enchanter via Purify Mana)
  • Velium Mastodon Fur Cloak (crafted via tailoring) - very high trivial, so high failure rate. If you know a tailor that can do this combine, expect to farm 3x the furs for them, so 12. Otherwise, expect to pay a bit in the bazaar when they are available.

Hand all 4 items to the old froglok.

an old froglok says 'Frroooaaaaaakkkk!!! This cloaaak so waaarm! Here let me work! Frroooaaaaaakkkk!' The old froglok goes to work on the crown and after uttering a few froaks, a small cloud of smoke rises from the crown. You reach over and pick it up. 'Frroooaaaaaakkkk! Maaagic haaat! Taaake good care of it aaand staay away from baaad frogs! Frroooaaaaaakkkk!'

You receive the Crown of Deceit.

References: Quest on Allakhazam, TAKP forum thread for more info