Plane of Mischief

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Plane of Mischief


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Plane of mischief.gif


There are a number of areas in PoM, some of them legitimate camps, others are just areas with a theme but not much else going on.


The first area you enter upon zoning into Plane of Mischief

      • more to come ***


Rat Tunnels

Chest Room

Library Wing (East)

Dining Room Wing (West)


Upside Down




welcome to Alice in Wonderland wing. this wing is only reachable via teleport (from chessboard room, click the white throne) and has one egress point at the end in sniffles room (click the BIG picture of bristlebane).

N.B. Contrary to maps from other guides, there is no egress from the entry room on TAKP. i am unsure if this is AKurate, misinformation, a bug, or intentional modification on TAKP (feel free to add commentary if you know).

This wing is popular for farming Throne cards (which drop in A4) and Crowns (which drop in A3 and A4). this is a fairly low key camp, easy to single pull (all of the mobs are social here, but easy to pull or keep isolated). Everything in this wing is slowable, pacifiable (A4 requires wake of tranquility on the halflings), and pretty much every line of damage spell lands fairly reliably.


He's a rat. max hits for 161 in A4, slightly less in lower alice sub-wings. Be careful fighting him in A1, the rooms are small enough to aggro Glonk from the next room. if you are progressing from A1 to A4, i recommend pulling Grink into the hallway unless you can tank Grink and Glonk at the same time (which is not terribly difficult and doable by a 60 shaman in non-raid gear).


He's an ape. Max hits for 165 in A4.

Halflings (Brenn and Grenn)

Two halflings in sherriff (bandito?) gear. max hit around 161 in A4, slightly less in lower alice sub-wings.

Empty (old Twenty Two room?)

My understanding is there was an invisible man here named Twenty Two, but at some point was removed (or maybe wasn't in the spawn table in AK?)

typically, i pull one of the halflings in here, after pacifying (use wake of tranquility in A4). pathing seems interesting with the introduction of navmesh, but even without snare, the pathing in this room seems acceptable for handling a "running" halfling at 20% health.

Debbis the Fish

Sniffles / Stomples

Last room in Alice, features a rabbit, and three bandito halfling guards. To leave Alice, click the BIG picture of Bristlebane. That teleports you to the Hand Room with 12 doors in it.

Black and White

Room of Doors

Throne Room


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