Haste Stacking

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There are 4 stackable hastes in the game. We're going to start counting at zero; it'll help avoid confusion with haste versions and which affects apply.

  1. Worn Haste ( https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=31461 )
  2. Spell Haste v1 ( Like VoG https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/spell.php?id=1710 )
  3. Song Haste v2 ( Bard Only https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/spell.php?id=1452 )
  4. Song Haste v3 aka "Over Haste" ( Bard Only https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/spell.php?id=2610 )

Each haste type stacks with the others, but only 1 item/spell/song takes affect at a time. The game will automatically choose which ever affect has the highest haste percentage, as in the case of multiple worn haste items, or spell effects. Like the Burnout series and Enchanter haste are both Spell Haste v1. The haste affect is in a different "spell slot" allowing the buffs to stack, but the game will choose which haste affect is greater, and only apply that affect. There is a Haste cap at 100% for types 0-2.

For Example:

  1. 41% Silver Bracelet of Speed
  2. 58% Visions of Grandeur
  3. 10% Composition of Ervaj
  4. 25% Warsong of the Vah Shir

Worn + Spell haste reaches 99%. With a Bard singing Composition of Ervaj, you will reach 100% (cap). With a bard also singing (ie: twisting) Warsong of the Vah Shir, you can reach 125% haste.