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Rangers are warriors attuned to the ways of nature, able to call upon the power of the wild to aid them in their fights. Rangers are primarily a melee class, able to wear chain armor and wield many kinds of weapons.

Rangers are scouts and hunters, able to track enemies from a great distance and engage them with deadly ranged attacks, but rangers can also fight well in a melee, using two weapons to attack their foes. Rangers have spells drawn from nature. They can increase run speed and add to an ally's armor, health, or ability to attack. In a pinch, they can heal or directly damage enemies with fiery attacks.

Combat Skills

Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No 1 Hand Blunt 200 240
1 No 1 Hand Slashing 200 240
1 No 2 Hand Blunt 200 240
1 No 2 Hand Slashing 200 240
1 No Archery 210 240
1 No Bind Wound 100 200
1 No Defense 200 200
1 No Hand to Hand 100 100
1 No Offense 210 240
1 No Piercing 200 240
1 Yes Taunt 150 150
1 No Throwing 113 113
5 Yes Kick 149 205
8 Yes Dodge 137 170
17 Yes Dual Wield 210 240
18 Yes Parry 185 220
20 Yes Double Attack 200 235
35 Yes Disarm 55 55
35 Yes Riposte 150 150

Ranger Spells

Level 9 Spells

Name Effect(s) Mana Duration Skill Target Type
52.gif Endure Fire Increases Fire Resistance 20 27 Minutes Abjuration Single target
51.gif Flame Lick Reduce the Hit Points and Armor Class of a Single Target 10 30 Seconds Evocation Single target
106.gif Glimpse Self only Increase Visual Magnification 5 18 Seconds Divination Self only
39.gif Lull Animal Reduce the Aggro Radius of a Single Target Animal 10 1 Minute and 12 Seconds Alteration Animal
99.gif Minor Healing Heal a Single Target 10 Instant Alteration Single target
131.gif Skin like Wood Increase the Armor Class and Maximum Hit Points of a Single Target 10 27 Minutes Abjuration Single target
5.gif Snare Reduce the Movement Rate of a Single Target 15 2 Minutes and 24 Seconds Alteration Single target
5.gif Tangling Weeds Quick Cast Low Duration Reduce the Movement Rate of a Single Target 15 12 Seconds Alteration Single target

Level 15 Spells

Level 22 Spells

Level 29 Spells

Level 30 Spells

Level 39 Spells

Level 44 Spells

Level 49 Spells

Level 50 Spells

Level 51 Spells

Level 52 Spells

Level 53 Spells

Level 54 Spells

Level 55 Spells

Level 56 Spells

Level 57 Spells

Level 58 Spells

Level 59 Spells

Level 60 Spells

Level 61 Spells

Level 62 Spells

Level 63 Spells

Level 64 Spells

Level 65 Spells


External links