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Installing TAKP EverQuest in Linux

This is a work in progress. Please send questions or comments to krakmojo via a Conversation in the forums.

  1. Install Wine and PlayOnLinux
    • Arch: From Console: "sudo pacman -S wine playonlinux"
    • Debian: From Console: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine playonlinux"
    • RHEL/CentoS/Fedora
  2. Open PlayOnLinux
    1. Tools
    2. Configure
      1. New→ Next
      2. 32 bits Windows installation
        1. Name this WINE instance. I named mine TAKP1
    3. Highlight TAKP
      1. Install Components
        • Install D3Dx9,
        • Install vcrun2010
  3. Alt Tab to file manager.
    1. Copy TAKP Folder from Pre-Configured Windows client to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/TAKP/drive_c/
      1. Copy the contents of [Secret's Updated Client] v18 (as of 6/25/2016) To your new /drive_c/TAKP/ Folder ... this now includes Haynar's Frame Limiter .dll
        1. (new releases may be published here before link is updated
  4. Go back to PlayOnLinux Configuration
    1. Select TAKP
      1. Make New shortcut
      2. eqgame.exe→ next
      3. Name it whatever you want, I named mine TAKP
      4. Select "I don't want to make another shortcut"
    2. Select your new shortcut
      1. In the Arguments Field type "patchme" (without quotes)
  5. Under Configure→ select wine→ configure wine.
    1. Graphics tab
      1. Check Auto capture
      2. Deselect decorate windows
      3. Check emulate virtual desktop to match the resolution that you will be running EQ and hit OK
    2. Go to the Display Tab
      1. Set GLSL to "disabled"
      2. Set Offscreen Rendering Mode to "backbuffer"
  6. Close PlayOnLinux Configuration
  7. Select TAKP and hit run
  1. Repeat this process to create additional instances for multi-boxing.

Linux Troubleshooting

==Questions or Comments? Please contact me (KrakMojo) via the forums