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Beginning Tinkering

Tinkering is a racial ability Gnomes have which starts out at a skill of 50, Below Average. However, although you can tinker before you are level 16, you will not be able to gain skill until you reach that level. Like other trade skills, tinkering requires you combine components in a container (in this case a toolbox) to create a new item. The EverQuestManual.txt in your EQ directory gives more information on how trade skills work. The tinkering books that tell you what you can make and how you can make them (written in a story form) should be your first purchases along with the toolbox. Making non-trivial items will raise your skill, allowing you to make the more advanced items and with greater success rates. A warning with tinkering, spending 100pp or more per skill point sometimes is not uncommon.

Most tinkering components you will need along with the toolbox and tinkering books are sold by Bom Knowtood, located at the third windmill in Steamfont. Other tinkering components you might need include: a bottle (sold at water/rations merchants), large lantern (sold at water/rations merchants), Gnomish Spirits (sold at the bar near the zoo in Ak'anon), rat ears (kill giant rats in Steamfont), lockpicks (sold at rogue's guilds) pie tins (made by PC smiths or potters) and skewers (also made by smiths or potters).

Tinkering Items and Plans

Item NameTrivial/CostEffect
Animated Bait50/4cpFishing bait
Firewater50/8spAdvanced tinkering component
Compass50/3ppSense Heading (right click)
Flameless Lantern68/2ppG. lightstone power lantern (2nd melee slot)
Mechanized Lockpicks6?/18ppEnhanced lockpicks [BRD, ROG]
Standard Bow Cam75/15ppFletching bow cam @ cheaper cost
Stalking Probes???/18ppEffect: Stalking Probe [Eye of Zomm] Charges: 5
Spyglass???/??ppEffect: Telescope [Glimpse]
Collapsible Fishing Pole???/??ppEnhanced fishing pole: 0.3wt, all containers
Thermal Cloak???/??pp?AC +?SV COLD cloak
Gnomish Fireworks???/??ppFireworks display


Tinkering Plans
Animated Bait: 1 cork, 1 spriket
Firewater: 1 water flask, 1 Gnomish Spirits
Compass: 1 pie tin, 1 skewers, 1 water flask, 1 static orb, 1 cork
Flameless Lantern: 1 large lantern, 1 twine, 1 firewater
Mechanized Lockpicks: 1 gears, 1 sprockets, 1 lockpicks, 1 rat ears
Standard Bow Cam: 1 gears, 1 grease, 1 Gnomish bolts
Stalking Probes: 1 gears, 1 gears, 1 bottle, 1 metal rod, firewater
Spyglass: 1 collapsible fishing pole, 1 bottle, 1 twine, 1 metal rod, 1 reflective shard
Collapsible Fishing Pole: Unknown
Thermal Cloak: Unknown
Gnomish Fireworks: Unknown


Failed Termal Cloak formulas:

  • 1 firewater, 1 rod, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 2 rods, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 3 rods, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 4 rods, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 2 rods, 1 patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 2 metal shafts, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 3 metal shafts, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • 1 firewater, 4 metal shafts, 1 small patchwork cloak
  • Tattered Gnomish Cloak = small patchwork? -- from EQTraders : http://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=4112