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== Sigil (#5) ==
== Sigil (#5) ==

23) Back to Sanctus Seru.
'''23)''' Kill Lord Inquisitor Seru and loot Head of the Inquisitor. This is a raid event.
You now need to kill Lord Inquisitor Seru and loot Head of the Inquisitor.
This is a raid event.

24) Head back to Lcea in Katta Castellum.
'''24)''' Head back to Lcea in Katta Castellum. Hail and follow along, or just give her the  Head of the Inquisitor and your Signet Earring of Veracity. She will give you the Sigil Earring of Veracity!
Hail and follow along, or just give her the  Head of the Inquisitor and your Signet Earring of Veracity.
She will give you the Sigil Earring of Veracity!

Revision as of 00:15, 3 August 2018

The Rune Earring of Veracity is really five quests... better known as the Insignia Earring of Veracity (Delivery Runs), Etched Earring of Veracity (Records Exchange), Runed Earring of Veracity (Concillium Reports), Signet Earring of Veracity (Arx Key) and the Sigil Earring of Veracity.

Saved for posterity. Credit to the original author: http://www.bonzz.com/veracity.html

Insignia (#1)

1) Start in Kithicor Forest -- Make sure you go here in the daytime, as undead take over the zone at night. Kill Bixies until you have a stack of Bixie parts. If your Baking Skill is over 50 -- you may be able to get by with just four.

2) Now zone into Rivervale. Just after you pass the Cleric Guild inside the zone, take a right and buy some Frosting. It is sold by Bartle Barnick in the druid area. You will need the same number of Frosting as you have Bixie Parts.

3) Find the nearby Oven and use one Frosting and one Bixie Parts to make Bixie Crunchies. You will need at least 4. Better make some extra, just in case you accidentally consume some.

4) Go to Netherbian Lair.

5A) While in Netherbian Lair look for Bregun Dorey (Level 50). Run straight into the Lair, straight past the center (south, towards Dawnshroud) and duck into the last tunnel on the left. Once in this tunnel look for the second tunnel on the left. In the corner of this tunnel, behind some rocks -- you will find Bregun Dorey.

  • If Bregun Dorey is up, skip ahead to Step 9.
  • If Bregun Dorey is not up, go to Step #5B.

5B) If Bregun Dorey is not up, look for a Legionnaire Dalini (Level 30). Run towards Marus Seru. Before you get there, you should see Dalini standing guard duty near the zone line (at the doorway) if he is up.

  • If Dalini is up, skip to Step #6B.
  • If Dalini is not up, go to Step #6A.

6A) Now head Sanctus Seru, just off Marus Seru (to south). Once there, go around to the right side, to the last building on your left (middle door). Buy a Harvest Crystal (Summon Food), a Spring Crystal (Summon Drink) and 2 Bark Potions (Stalwart Regeneration). They are sold by Vassa Nar.

6B) Now head to the building across from and to the right of the building in #6A -- where there you will find a bar. Buy a Dawnshroud Cider from Vantak Mere. This will cost you 50 to 55 platinum.

  • If Dalini was up, go to Step #8.
  • If Dalini was not up, go to Step #7.

7) Head back into Marus Seru. Head straight north and slightly west. In the area of location p500 p500 you will find some "Recuso" tents. Inside one is Reothe (Level 40). Hail Reothe and follow along or just give him the Harvest Crystal, Spring Crystal and the two 2 Bark Potions (don't stack). This will cause Dalini to spawn.

8) Go back to the Netherbian Lair. Hail and follow along, or just give the Dawnshroud Cider to Dalini. This will cause Bregun to spawn.

9) In Netherbian Lair, go to Bregun. Hail and follow along or just give Bregun the 4 Bixie Crunchies. He will give you a Bixie Charm.

10) Head to Sanctus Seru, into the center of town (straight into the zone and past the pool). This is the area where there are pyramid like buildings. Head to the first Pyramid on the right. Go into the center, to the second floor and find Euzan Jurek (Level 60) in one of the rooms near the bookcases. Hail and follow along or just say to him, "Bring about change." He will give you some Replacement Records. Save these for later (Quest #2).

11) Now head to the building in the opposite corner (far left as you come in from zone). On the first floor you will find Torsten Reidan. Hail and follow along or just give him the Bixie Charm. He will give you a Sealed Note to Bregun for Bregun.

12) Head back to Netherbian Lair to Bregun. Hail and follow along, or just give Bregun the Sealed Note to Bregun. He will give you Bregun's Directions to take back to Torsten.

13) Head back to Sanctus Seru to Torsten. Hail and follow along or just give him the Bregun's Directions. He will give you the Insignia Earring of Veracity.

Etched (#2)

14) READ BEFORE DOING THIS NEXT STEP. This will take some planning. Go up to the third floor of the same building you are in (see #13 above). You will find a room with A File Cabinet (chest). You will need the services of another player who can cast Invisible or Camoflauge on you (or take a potion/item to do this with).

Very carefully do the following:

  • Put the Replacement Records up in a trade window to A File Cabinet;
  • Have your friend cast invisible on you;
  • Then hit trade.

If this fails, you need to run back to Euzan and repeat #10 and come back here. If it succeeds, you will get the Original Records. Also, Guard Hargar (Level 35) will spawn. He will attack you. You do not have to kill him.

15) Head back to Euzan. Hail and follow along, or just give him the Original Records and the Insignia Earring of Veracity. He will give you the Etched Earring of Veracity. He will also give you a Report to Tilbok for Tilbok Furrunner.

Runed (#3)

16A) STRATEGY! This step is difficult and might not be accomplished alone. You have to kill at least 4 various faction-aligned (Hand Eye, Heart and Shoulder...) mobs in Sanctus Seru. All are located on the top floor of different pyramids at or in the middle enclosed area of Sanctus Seru (through the secret wall). Each pyramid has the same basic design and the mobs are all in the same basic location. The bad part is that they don't always drop the item you need for this quest. They are common mobs -- normally on the top floor and standing at the dead end of one of two hallways, on either side of a large room.

  • 16B) A Custos Armorum (can stun, fury and rampage). North West pyramid. Concillium Report (Shoulder).
  • 16C) A Lictor of the Heart (Level 60). South East pyramid. Concillium Report (Heart).
  • 16D) A Vigilum Cohortis. North East pyramid. Concillium Report (Eye).
  • 16E) Signiferi of the Hand (Level 64-67). South West Pyramid. Concillium Report (Hand).

17) Now you are home free. Head to Katta Castellum. You will find Tilbok (see #15, above) on the 2nd floor of the building on the left, just before the graveyard. Hail and follow along, or just give him the Report to Tilbok from Euzan. Then say to him, "What chambers?" and he will then give you a Report Satchel.

18) Put the four reports in the Report Satchel and combine them to make a Full Satchel. Then give Tilbok the Full Satchel and the Etched Earring of Veracity. He will give you the Runed Earring of Veracity!.

Signet (Arx Key) (#4)

19) Back to Sanctus Seru! This is a high end group event, or small raid event. Some high end players claim they have soloed them, but I don't see how with the banishment they do. Here you must kill Praesertum Bikun, Praesertum Matpa, Praesertum Rhugol and Praesertum Vantorus. They are located in the back center room behind the "clicky" (secret) walls of each Pyramid (same are as from Step 16). If they aren't up, just kill stuff and they will soon appear. I have, however, seen one reference that they have a 3-day spawn timer. Each of them are Level 66, hit for under 1K and each of them drops an item you need -- a Shard of the Shoulder, Shard of the Heart, Shard of the Eye and a Shard of the Hand, respectively. The biggest issue, perhaps, is they will banish you to the jail cell, have a lot of HP and they regen at a good rate (like 200 HP per tick).

20) Back to Katta Castellum. NOTE: Have a bag slot open! You are looking for Lcea Katta, in the area of m201, n69. Say to her, "What Arx Key?" (or hail her and follow along), She will give you a Lcea's Jewel Box.

21A) Now find Elnerick Augustleaf, in the area of p130, p150. Give him the 4 Shards. He will give you an Arx Key and a Seal of Katta.

21B) Put the Seal of Katta and your Runed Earring of Veracity in Lcea's Jewel Box and combine them, to make a different Lcea's Jewel Box.

22) Go back to Lcea and give her the Lcea's Jewel Box. She will then give you the Signet Earring of Veracity!

Sigil (#5)

23) Kill Lord Inquisitor Seru and loot Head of the Inquisitor. This is a raid event.

24) Head back to Lcea in Katta Castellum. Hail and follow along, or just give her the Head of the Inquisitor and your Signet Earring of Veracity. She will give you the Sigil Earring of Veracity!