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: General Staginar says "The grimling high commander will only appear if their compound to the north is overrun. There are two encampments near the compound that will need to be invaded as well in order to secure the area. It is a very complex mission and I will only authorize you to lead it if you have demonstrated competence. Serve our people by successfully completing the lesser raids here in the forest. Bring me the '''Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl''' as proof of your prowess, or, if you are already at least as powerful as I am, there is another test that will give me confidence in your abilities."
: General Staginar says "The grimling high commander will only appear if their compound to the north is overrun. There are two encampments near the compound that will need to be invaded as well in order to secure the area. It is a very complex mission and I will only authorize you to lead it if you have demonstrated competence. Serve our people by successfully completing the lesser raids here in the forest. Bring me the '''Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl''' as proof of your prowess, or, if you are already at least as powerful as I am, there is another test that will give me confidence in your abilities."

You must progress through a series of five raids in Grimling Forest, starting with Scout Husman. Each success unlocks the next raid.
''You must progress through a series of five raids in Grimling Forest, starting with Scout Husman. Each success unlocks the next raid.''
Seek out Captain Necin.
You say, 'Hail, Captain Necin'
: Captain Necin says 'Hello, Thornwood. I'm looking for an accomplished soldier to help me carry out a very dangerous mission. If you know of one please have them report to me at once.'
You say, 'I am an accomplished soldier.'
: Captain Necin says 'Very well, acquire a chest of valor and fill it with the medals you receive from scouts Husman, Danarin, and Derin. Give me the resulting soldier's chest and I will reveal the details of my mission.'
The chest of valor can be purchased at the nearby vendor, Shopkeeper Chirrin. The medals are the results of the Scout's Raid quests.  

* Quest One: Scout Husman - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167031 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4327 Grimling Officer's Scalp] (NO RENT) - Copper Medal of War
* Quest One: Scout Husman - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167031 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4327 Grimling Officer's Scalp] (NO RENT) - Copper Medal of War
* Quest Two: Scout Danarin - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167032 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4374 Grimling Officer's Tooth] (NO RENT) - Silver Lined Copper Medal of War
* Quest Two: Scout Danarin - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167032 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4374 Grimling Officer's Tooth] (NO RENT) - Silver Lined Copper Medal of War
* Quest Three: Scout Derrin - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167033 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4377 Grimling Officer's Eye] (NO RENT) - Gold Lined Copper Medal of War
* Quest Three: Scout Derrin - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167033 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4377 Grimling Officer's Eye] (NO RENT) - Gold Lined Copper Medal of War
* Quest Four: Captain Necin - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167699 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4399 Grimling Officer Toes] (NO RENT) - Silver Medal of War
Combining these three medals in the Chest of Valor produces the Soldier's Chest. Give the Soldier's Chest to Captain Necin:
: Captain Necin says 'Take this map and study it carefully. The mission we are preparing to embark upon will make your previous raids seem like child's play. Many friendly forces will need to help us to achieve our objectives. Two dozen soldiers as powerful as me to be exact. When you have selected and briefed the troops that will carry out the offensive, give me the map and I will lead the assault.'
He hands you a Map of Grimling Forest. Handing it back to Captain Necin will initiate a raid on two Grimling camps.
* Quest Four: Captain Necin and Sergeant Jherum - Keep Sergeant Jherum alive, kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167699 a grimling officer] and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=4399 Grimling Officer Toes] (NO RENT) - Silver Medal of War
* Quest Five: Veteran Vadrel - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167700 a grimling commander] (level 39) and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=5988 Grimling Commander's Head] (NO RENT) - Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl
* Quest Five: Veteran Vadrel - Kill [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/npc.php?id=167700 a grimling commander] (level 39) and loot [https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/item.php?id=5988 Grimling Commander's Head] (NO RENT) - Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl

Revision as of 22:59, 2 May 2024

Slowly piecing this together from the database and anything else I can scrounge up. Feel free to pitch in!

General Staginar

Travel to Grimling Forest and find General Staginar.

You say, "Hail, General Staginar"

General Staginar says "Greetings Thornwood. Are you here to serve in the war against the grimling horde?"

You say, "I am here to serve in the war"

General Staginar says "As you probably know, we've been battling the grunts for nearly a generation now. They have proven to be a challenging opponent. We've inflicted great casualties upon their kind in this war, yet somehow, they seem to grow even more numerous. Barring some miracle, they will become a serious threat to Shar Vahl very soon. One remaining strategy has a chance of bringing us victory, but none have met the requirements for its implementation."

You say, "what requirements"

General Staginar says "Our intelligence has provided us with some information about the enemy. They blindly follow a being they refer to as 'the master'. Our high spiritists have sensed a powerful presence from the caverns beyond our mines, but only those who possess a special key can venture there. None who have obtained the key and ventured into the caverns have been seen alive again."

You say, "what key"

General Staginar says "The grimling high commander holds half of a magical acrylia obelisk that will transport the wielder to their master's stronghold. I have slain the high commander who held the other half of the obelisk and I have the knowledge of it's construction. I will only give it to one who has proven to be a powerful soldier, for nothing less would stand a chance against the enemy ruler."

At this point you have two options to obtain the orders to start the grimling war. The first is a series of raids within Grimling Forest, the second is within Acrylia Caverns.

Option 1: Grimling Forest

You say, "what high commander"

General Staginar says "The grimling high commander will only appear if their compound to the north is overrun. There are two encampments near the compound that will need to be invaded as well in order to secure the area. It is a very complex mission and I will only authorize you to lead it if you have demonstrated competence. Serve our people by successfully completing the lesser raids here in the forest. Bring me the Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl as proof of your prowess, or, if you are already at least as powerful as I am, there is another test that will give me confidence in your abilities."

You must progress through a series of five raids in Grimling Forest, starting with Scout Husman. Each success unlocks the next raid.

Seek out Captain Necin.

You say, 'Hail, Captain Necin'

Captain Necin says 'Hello, Thornwood. I'm looking for an accomplished soldier to help me carry out a very dangerous mission. If you know of one please have them report to me at once.'

You say, 'I am an accomplished soldier.'

Captain Necin says 'Very well, acquire a chest of valor and fill it with the medals you receive from scouts Husman, Danarin, and Derin. Give me the resulting soldier's chest and I will reveal the details of my mission.'

The chest of valor can be purchased at the nearby vendor, Shopkeeper Chirrin. The medals are the results of the Scout's Raid quests.

Combining these three medals in the Chest of Valor produces the Soldier's Chest. Give the Soldier's Chest to Captain Necin:

Captain Necin says 'Take this map and study it carefully. The mission we are preparing to embark upon will make your previous raids seem like child's play. Many friendly forces will need to help us to achieve our objectives. Two dozen soldiers as powerful as me to be exact. When you have selected and briefed the troops that will carry out the offensive, give me the map and I will lead the assault.'

He hands you a Map of Grimling Forest. Handing it back to Captain Necin will initiate a raid on two Grimling camps.

Option 2: Acrylia Cavern

You say, "what test"

General Staginar says "If you are less experienced than I am, performing this task will gain you nothing. With that in mind, take this box and venture through the mines and into the caverns. Combine in it Gooplart's tooth, Gizgargank's scalp, Grikplag's skull, Gnildaria's eye, Gnerpokkel's heart, Gilgaplank's toes, the husk of the summoned burrower, and the shackles of a Vah Shir captive. Return to me with the Box of the Hero of Shar Vahl and I will send a team of our veterans to escort you into battle."

General Staginar gives you Box of the General's Challenge

Collect and combine the items to receive Box of the Hero of Shar Vahl.

Receive the Battle Orders

Turn in the Box of the Hero of Shar Vahl or the Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl to General Staginar

General Staginar says "Soldier, that's some fine work! The horde will not easily recover from the destruction you have inflicted upon their kind. You have earned an opportunity to wrestle the key from the grimling high commander. Take these orders to Veteran Cullin. If you can take possession of the grimling bases to the north and defeat the grimling high commander, return to me with his half of the obelisk and the battle orders. Show the grunts no mercy, Thornwood! Good luck!")

Receive Staginar's Battle Orders

Initiating the War

Find Veteran Cullin

You say, "Hail, Veteran Cullin."

Veteran Cullin nods at you in acknowledgement. "Thornwood, you're welcome to enjoy the sanctuary we have established here, but the safety we provide comes at a price. You must take up arms and join in the war against the grimlings. Take what you need and rest up, then get out there and make a dent in the numbers of their horde!"

Give Veteran Cullin Staginar's Battle Orders

Veteran Cullin says, "Finally! An army with the courage to bring these scum to their knees! I pray that you have the numbers and the prowess to match your heart or we'll be fed to the grunts for dinner tonight. The general instructed me to ready my troops when he gave you his orders, follow me and I'll brief you all together."

Complete Grimling War, kill a grimling high commander and loot the Arm of the Grimling High Commander. Give the arm to Veteran Cullin.

Veteran Cullin says, "Thornwood! you've surpassed my most optimistic hopes and conquered the grimling stronghold. Please accept this medallion as a token of the gratitude of all Vah Shir. The Jharin will tell tales of your victory as long as our people exist. Your name shall be held in reverence from this day forward. Take the piece of the acrylia obelisk back to the general and he will isntuct you further. It has been an honor serving with you, farewell!"

Receive Medallion of the Hero of Shar Vahl and Acrylia Obelisk Half.

After Victory

Give General Staginar the Acrylia Obelisk Half

General Staginar says, "Thornwood, your actions have earned you the respect of all Vah Shir. Upon your shoulders now rests the hope of our people. This hollow acrylia obelisk is the key that will gain you entry to the stronghold of the master of the grimling horde. Once there, you will need to collect enchanted pieces of acrylia from the enemy's vile minions. Once you have collected all five of them, you must place the obelisk into this smelting pot with the acrylia pieces. A special key will form inside that will grant you access to the deepest chamber of the stronghold."

Receive Hollow Acrylia Obelisk and Enchanted Acrylia Smelting Pot

After the event has ended, General Staginar says "No one knows what lie beyond, what dangers you may face, or what trials you must overcome. No one who has ventured into the stronghold has returned to inform us of the dangers it may hold. Now, more than ever, we pray for the spirits of our ancestors to watch over and protect you. Now, round up an army of your most skilled and trusted friends and rid us of this menace!"

Inner AC Key: Hollow Acrylia Obelisk - Currently 5 on the server.

Haven't found what the Enchanted Acrylia Smelting Pot is for yet...need to search AC
