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Grimling war in Grimling Forest.

This was chosen specifically for the reason that all levels will be able to help and it does not require a big turn out to get started on it. The loot is incredible too. There are also some BST epic drops if any Beastlords come, as well as the BST cloak quest pieces.
The loot off the final mob is a FT III robe, a FT III range item, a FT I mask, and a bunch of melee stuff I don't understand (like a 25/25 1hs with a haste and attack buff proc) but is comparable. I would provide links to the stuff but this has been successfully done so rarely that Alla's doesn't even have them; this series of quests were bugged for a long time (not anymore from what I hear, crosses fingers).
This is a series of six mini-raids that get progressively harder as you complete them (a la Ring Wars). It begins with three easy little raids that are perfect for our lower levels to group and complete. These can be done with one or two groups of mid 40s or one group of higher level. I will be standing by babysitting as well. The first three are known as the scout quests since they are initiated by talking to the Scouts. The next three after this get VERY hard. All start in Grimling Forest
Raid #1: Scout Husman Quest:
Scout Husman asks you for 6 people of about his level. To wipe out a grimling camp nearby.
Purchase a polished Acrylia Sphere from the nearby shopkeeper to start the quest.
The scout will march straight out and assault a camp of grimlings. It's your job to keep him alive during the initial camp take and the follow up waves of grimlings. There are about 5 Grimlings in the camp, and the waves consist of 4 or 5 grimlings a piece.
Eventually a Grimling officer will appear (who is much stronger than the Grimlings). Kill him to receive a medallion from Scout Husman.
You Must keep Scout Husman alive in order to finish the quest.
Suggested force is about 6 level 40s or 2 or 3 high level 50s. As a 57 enchanter, the officer proved annoying since he could not be mesmerized.
This is known as Husman's Raid initiated by, guess who, Scout Husman. You initiate the quest by giving scout Husman a Polished Acrylia Sphere (Vender Bought) and he will march out and attack a camp of Grimlings. You must keep him alive during this assault and clear the camp. There will then be several (up to 10 or 20) waves of 3 to 5 Grimlings that assault you at the camp. Eventually, an officer will eventually be a member of one of those waves. Kill him and loot a no drop scalp, turn that in to Scout Husman and get a no drop Copper Medal (woo hoo).
The officer can spawn in the first wave or the 30th wave. It is completely random. Thus, this could take 15 minutes or two hours. Lets hope for quick spawn, but ten waves seems like the average from what I have heard.
WARNING - after you do the turn in to the scout the whole camp will respawn soon. Just train them to the guards close by if you get agro, no need to keep killing these greens after we have the medal.
This one is meant to be challenging for a single group of level 25s, so it should be a bit easy, but will give us a great idea about how the whole spawning of waves of attackers and keeping an NPC alive is done.
1 ) You cannot heal or buff the scout
2 ) The scout will generate agro by attacking just like any party member, always steal agro from him. If he dies we fail and must start over.
3 ) Never target the scout. Someone will inevitably attack him by mistake or sic their pet on him.
4 ) No AE, you will hit the scout.
5 ) Crowd control is your friend...otherwise have a tough tank get agro on all of them, then dispatch them one at a time while getting hit by all of them until they are all dead.
6 ) If you agro the scout don't panic. Just zone, it is close by. He should pop back at camp unharmed after you zone.
7 ) The camp WILL re-pop after a few waves. You must deal with the re-pop and the next wave. I don't know the respawn time of the camp, but it will keep popping if there are allot of waves.
8 ) Officer is unstunnable and unmezzable. Unsure is he is root/snareable.
Raid #2: Danarins Quest:
You say, 'Hail, Scout Danarin'
Scout Danarin says 'Hello Illia, welcome to the front lines of our war against the bastard grimlings. As I'm sure you know, we Vah Shir shun violence, but with this enemy there is no other way. Let me know if you'd like to see some action.
You say, 'I would like to see some action .'
Scout Danarin smiles, 'I can escort you to a camp rich with enemies. With my help you can take possession of their camp. They'll try desperately to reclaim their lost territory and, if we're lucky, an officer will show up. You'll want to bring about ten soldiers as powerful as me. When you're all here and ready for battle, give me a marbled acrylia sphere.
The sphere can be bought at the merchant in one of the huts in the Val Shir outpost. Handing him the sphere will have him respawn with weapons, and lead you to the camp. He will pause briefly then tell you "my next words mark the start.."
You Must keep Scout Danarin Alive in order to complete the quest. After the initial attack, you'll need to fight off one or two waves of grimlings before the Grimling Officer will appear. Be warned that the Grimling Officer is stronger than the others and cannot be Stunned, Mesmerized or the like.
Excellent quest for a group of high 50s, or 10 level 40s.
This is known as Danarin's Raid initiated by, surprise, Scout Danarin. You initiate the quest by giving Scout Danarin a Marbled Acrylia Sphere (Vender Bought) and he will march out and attack a camp of Grimlings.
The procedure is the same as the first raid. Only now the mobs will be slightly harder, in that they won't ALL be green to our mid 40s group. The tips are the same as above.
Clear the camp, kill the waves, and when he spawns kill the officer and loot a no drop tooth. Turn this in to Scout Danarin and get a no drop silver lined copper medal (ye hah, a real war hero now).
Raid #3: Scout Derrins Quest:
You say, 'Hail, Scout Derrin'
Scout Derrin says 'Greetings Illia, what brings you to the battlegrounds? Looking to raid a grimling camp perhaps?
You say, 'I would like to raid a grimling camp'
Scout Derrin says 'I can lead a dozen men of my strength on a raid against a well fortified grimling encampment. It's a risky mission, but one that has the potential to yield substantial rewards. If you have the manpower and the courage, give me a glowing acrylia sphere and we'll get started.
The quest is recommended for about 12 Level 40ish people, though it can be accomplished with fewer higher level people.
The scout will lead you to a nearby camp, then charge it. It's your job to keep him alive. Due to the number of grimlings, it's recommended to have a few people.
You start the quest by handing a Glowing Acrylia Sphere (purchased from nearby vendor) to the Scout.
The last of the scout quests is known as Derrin's Raid initiated by, you guessed it, Scout Derrin. You initiate the quest by giving Scout Derrin a Glowing Acrylia Sphere (Vender Bought) and he will march out and attack a camp of Grimlings.
This is the same drill as before; clear the camp and kill the waves until you get the officer killed. Turn in his eye for yet another medal, a gold lined copper medal this time (woot).
Once the first three quests are done we can move on to the harder ones. We will need to take the three no drop medals, combine them in a Chest of Valor (Vendor bought) and hand them to Captain Necin.
Beastlords - Each officer drops Grimling plans (parts I, II, and III) and you will get this as a reward if you did the prior BST cloak quest (garrison cloak quest), beastlord only guys :
Khati Sha Officer's Cloak
Slot: BACK
Skill Mod 3% tailoring
AC: 12
STR: 8 DEX: 3 STA: 10 WIS: 8
AGI: 5 HP: 50 MANA: 50
WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: BST
Raid #4: Captain Necins Raid:
You say, 'Hail, Captain Necin'
Captain Necin says 'Hello, Illia. I'm looking for an accomplished soldier to help me carry out a very dangerous mission. If you know of one please have them report to me at once.
You say, 'I am an accomplished soldier'
Captain Necin says 'Very well, acquire a chest of valor and fill it with the medals you receive from scouts Husman, Danarin, and Derin. Give me the resulting soldier's chest and I will reveal the details of my mission.
The chest of valor can be purchased at the nearby vendor. The medals are the results of the Scout's Raid quests. Combining these medals in the chest of valor produces the Soldier's Chest. On handing this is in:
Captain Necin says "Take this map and study it carefully. The mission we are preparing to embark upon will make your previous raids seem like child's play. Many friendly forces will need to help us to achieve our objectives. two dozen soldiers as powerful as me to be exact. When you have selected and briefed the troops that will carry out the offensive, give me the map and I will lead the assault."
He hand you a Map of Grimling Forest. Handing it back to Captain Necin will initiate a raid on two Grimling camps.
The time for second chances is over. With the previous raids failure merely meant buying a new acrylia sphere and doing that little raid again. Now, since we are using the no drop medals acquired from those raids to initiate this one, failure means we will have to redo those three prior raids to start again. Furthermore, the quest NPCs for the scout quests respawn after 10 minutes if the raid fails; Captain Necin will not spawn again for 12 hours if he dies.
Do to the risk of wasting all that time, no more holding back, everyone available will participate in the raids from now on.
To throw another wrench in the works there will now be two NPCs to protect. The Captain and a Sergeant will each go to different Grimling camps and we must keep them both alive. We must split our forces and protect them both. The stronger force should go protect the sergeant since he is easier to kill, and the toughest tank will go with the group protecting the captain since his camp is larger. Once these guys get to the Grimling camps, charge the camps and get agro. If these gets get any agro at all they will die quickly. Clerics, wizzies, druids, whoever, attack ANY grimling that goes after the NPCs and get agro, especially the Grimling casters. There are lots of spawns and the tank will be busy, he will eventually get agro back from you. Things can get confusing, but don't be afraid to get agro, these guys are weak but there are lots of them. It is far better to die protecting the NPC than to let the whole raid fail. There will be rezzes handy.
This is a quote from the quest thread that is relevant:
Your party will need to split up for this one so be prepared. Which ever group goes with the other vah shir officer, go in there and be sure to get aggro from the casters before he runs in. Otherwise, they will nuke the snot out of him, dropping him within about 5 seconds of the charge. Do not kill them, as they will only respawn, just go in and hold aggro till he gets there. Even though the camp that the captain leads you to is bigger, I think the other npc you must protect at the first camp is a lot weaker, so plan accordingly. The captain didn't even get touched when we stormed that camp, but the other npc was nuked instantly. Hope this helps.
These guys should not be very tough (green to 60) but now there will be greater and greater numbers of them (an enchanter is a huge help, almost necessary). Two groups of 50+ should be able to do this but we should have a few mid level characters still around to grab agro and kill strays. The officer is now a Level 46 SK (HT 400-500).
I am pretty sure only one officer will spawn and I am pretty sure he will spawn at the captain's camp. Time will tell, the posts on this topic are a bit sketchy. Remember the officer is a random spawn in one of the waves and it could take a while, please be patient. Check out the following quote from the Safehouse thread on spawn time:
1.5 hours later a grimling officer spawned and I turned in his toes to the Captain. There were 2 difficult parts to this particular piece of the quest. First, when the 2 Vashir charge the camps, they get swamped by mobs and can die if you are not careful. Ours got down pretty low on hp but we were able to prevail. Second, the sheer amount of time it took for the officer to spawn. 10 minutes into the quest and people were remarking that it was fun. 30 minutes into quest people were remarking that they were bored. 1 hour into quest people were getting pissed/wanted to leave/sleepy.. so I petitioned. Guide was no help, but after about 15 or 20 minutes the officer finally spawned, thank @#%$.
The officers in each of the wars should now be dropping nicer and nicer things and at this point there should be some nice officers drops. Also each officer drops a piece of junk no drop weapon. These need to be randomed off after each raid and can be turned in to an NPC in Shar Vahl for a nice bane weapon. Details to follow on this.
Besides the officer drops this quest is believed to result in the Silver Medal of the Shar Vahl once you turn in the officers toes to the captain. Unknown Stats, but thought to be plus 2 or 3 to all stats and saves in the range slot. It's ok...don't get attached to it, it is the turn in for the next phase of the war.
Raid #5 (Veteran's Raid):
This one is a bit of a mystery, even more than the General's one below. This one is initiated by turning in your Silver Medal of Shar Vahl to Veteran Vadrel. He will then give you his war plans and suggests you get 12 people of his level. We should have 24.
After you give him back the plans he will march out towards the camp he is going to invade. On the way there is an ambush and you must kill off all the Grimlings that attack. Then he meets another Kitty (I think Veteran Cullin) and they split up into two Grimling camps again. Once again, we must split forces and protect them both. Also, getting agro early is key...there are many Grimling nukers that will fry these guys pretty quick. Here is a relevant quote from the Safehouse thread:
The next one is a veteran invasion. The veteran stops at one point on the way to the grimling camps and says that there is an ambush. Several grimlings spawn near him and you kill them.
Then he meets with another cat. Here you need to split up your group again. Both cats then go to their camps and charge them and then promptly die because they get nuked by grimlings within 5 seconds. We lost both, the veteran and the other cat right at start. I suggest you send in your people before the cats charge.
Don't bother killing any grimlings [before they get there, ed.] because the whole camp will respawn when the cats charge. This is also true with the previous invasions. But by having people in camp you will take most of the aggro.
Anyway, at this point I gave up. I lost everything that I acquired previously. I did not want to waste my time and time of about 12 other level 60 people.
I hope this reminds everyone how important it is to keep the NPCs alive.
This is where the really good loot starts. The officer can drop some FT I items and some nice melee junk. We also get the Gold Medal of the Shar Vahl which is used to start the next raid.
This is as far as I think we can go with our forces. If we make it this far we can try the General's Raid Below, but I think we should try it on a new night when everyone is fresh with every member of our alliance we can scrounge up. But if the people there are game we will give it a try. Just remember, if we lose we gotta start over.
Raid #6 (General's Raid):
Dont know much about this one, there isn't allot posted on this one that seems accurate. It is said to be similar to the Veteran's Raid but instead of just an officer, you must kill the Grimling High Commander (Level 60 SK). The commander doubles for 450 and HTs for ???.
The quest is initiated by giving General Staginar the Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl from the previous raid. There is also a second way to initiate this one by rounding up 10 items (mostly body parts from named Grimlings in and around Acrylia Caverns), and combining them in a chest. This can be done with a group of 60s and if we fail this war after all those preliminary raids, this is how we would reattempt it. That way is not easy either, but higher level folk can al least get exp while we farm the pieces.
You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'
General Staginar says 'Greetings, Uban. Are you here to serve in the war against the grimling horde?
You say, 'I will serve in the war'
General Staginar says 'As you probably know, we've been battling the grunts for nearly a generation now. They have proven to be a challenging opponent. We've inflicted great casualties upon their kind in this war, yet somehow, they seem to grow even more numerous. Barring some miracle, they will become a serious threat to Shar Vahl very soon. One remaining strategy has a chance of bringing us victory, but none have met the requirements for its implementation.
You say, 'What requirements?'
General Staginar says 'Our intelligence has provided us with some information about the enemy. They blindly follow a being they refer to as 'the master'. Our high spiritists have sensed a powerful presence from the caverns beyond our mines, but only those who possess a special key can venture there. None who have obtained the key and ventured into the caverns have been seen alive again.
You say, 'What special key?'
General Staginar says 'The grimling high commander holds half of a magical acrylia obelisk that will transport the wielder to their master's stronghold. I have slain the high commander who held the other half of the obelisk and I have the knowledge of it's construction. I will only give it to one who has proven to be a powerful soldier, for nothing less would stand a chance against the enemy ruler.
You say, 'What high commander'
General Staginar says 'The grimling high commander will only appear if their compound to the north is overrun. There are two encampments near the compound that will need to be invaded as well in order to secure the area. It is a very complex mission and I will only authorize you to lead it if you have demonstrated competence. Serve our people by successfully completing the lesser raids here in the forest. Bring me the Golden Medal of the Shar Vahl as proof of your prowess, or, if you are already at least as powerful as I am, there is another test that will give me confidence in your abilities.
You say, 'What test'
General Staginar says 'If you are less experienced than I am, performing this task will gain you nothing. With that in mind, take this box and venture through the mines and into the caverns. Combine in it Gooplart's tooth, Gizgargank's scalp, Grikplag's skull, Gnildaria's eye, Gnerpokkel's heart, Gilgaplank's toes, the husk of the summoned burrower, and the shackles of a Vah Shir captive. Return to me with the Box of the Hero of Shar Vahl and I will send a team of our veterans to escort you into battle.
You get a Box of the General's Challenge (7 slot container)
This is the "short circuit" quest, for higher level players who do not wish to complete the series of raids which comprise the Grimling War in Grimling Forest. By retrieving these items from the named Grimlings inside Acrylia you prove your strength in return for continuing to the portion of the quest which takes up in Acrylia Caverns.
You must now protect four NPCs at three different camps. After the quest is initiated you must follow 4 veterans (I think)and assault the two platforms outside acryia caverns as well as the fort. There are approximately 35-40 level 40 to 45 Grimlings stationed here. Then there are then waves of 6 Grimlings about every minute with lots a dangerous casters at each camp. They will keep coming until the High Commander is killed and his arm handed in. Here are someone's comments on the General's Raid:
Veteran Colin leads the general's war as well.
Little info on the war is this: All grimling that spawn in the waves are blue to 60. They are a new breed of grimling. Battle Priests, Possessors, Deathdealers, and some other version of the skull splitter. You gotta defend 3 camps from god knows how many waves of grimlings. Waves are 6 spawns per minute per camp. Possessors charmed half my party and things fell apart fast.
Npc aggro is not a problem after clearing the initial camp, mobs all aggro'd us as the spawned. Unfortunately between the Possossors charming and the Cadverists casting that 20 sec necro stun on everyone we were never able to mount an effective defense.
This war > 10th ring war imo. (and ya I've won the 10th ring war)
Now is when we start getting into the extremely nice drops. The High Commander can drop some nice things, including the FT III items mentioned above. In addition to that, turning in his arm to the Veteran Cullin will get you the Obelisk which you give to the General and get:
Medallion of the Hero of Shar Vahl
AC: +5 Str: +5 Sta: +5 Agi: +5 Dex: +5 Wis: +5 Int: +5 Cha: +5 Magic Resist: +5 Fire Resist: +5 Cold Resist: +5 Poison Resist: +5 Disease Resist: +5 HP: +50 Mana: +50
Weight: 0.5
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Inventory Slot: Ranged Weapon Required: Yes
Can be stored in Small and larger containers
Last updated: Mon Dec 16 15:26:49 2002
Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 55
Yes, that is a range slot item, and it is supposed to be the key to inner Acrylia Caverns (the castle).
Once we get that key we can start raiding inner acrylia.
This is gonna be hard! It is supposed to be hard though. Check out Steve Burke's comment on the safehouse's thread:
Hey guys!
Just found myself with a few minutes to burn and thought I'd stop by, throw in a few comments and solicit a little feedback...
This event is intentionally much more difficult than the rest of the encounters in the zone.
There are some spells that certain AA abilities will help to overcome.
The rewards for victory will be commensurate with the challenge.
If something seemed broken, please feel free to email me with specifics and I'll take a look.
Just curious, but how many people participated for the failed attempt(s)?
Steve Burke
Scary enough? At least Corpse Recovery will be easy.
This will be done in two parts on the same day, there is no need for the higher levels guys to stand around while the mid level guys do the early raids. Feel free to come and watch though.
Location: Grimling Forest - Part I (first three raids)
Time: 3:00pm est 6:00pm est
Levels: 20 to 40 (higher levels wont be turned away)
Raid Coordinator:
Secondary Coordinator:
Meeting Place: Vah Shir Fort in Grimling Forest (TP Spot)
Bind Points: At the fort
Location: Grimling Forest - Part II (second three raids)
Time: 6:00pm est 10:00pm est
Levels: 20 to 65 (higher levels needed, lower levels can still help allot too.)
Raid Coordinator:
Secondary Coordinator:
Meeting Place: Vah Shir Fort in Grimling Forest (TP Spot)
Bind Points: At the fort
NOTE - Only I can loot the no drop body parts for the medals. They must be combined for turn in and one person must loot them all.

Latest revision as of 13:30, 17 May 2024