Getting Started

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Revision as of 16:34, 28 December 2019 by Mokli (talk | contribs) (added visual C runtime and directx 9c requirement under troubleshooting)
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This guide is for playing on the official TAKP server.

Creating Your Account

  • Create a forum account at The Al'Kabor Project Forums. Game accounts are linked to forum accounts, so a forum account is required.
  • NOTE: You must only create 1 forum account. You can create many game accounts under your forum account, but you must not create more than 1 forum account. If this is detected, the extra forum accounts will be deleted and access to any game accounts associated with them will be lost. Read the forum FAQ and Rules for more information here.
  • Create your game accounts by clicking Game Accounts at the top of the page.
  • Click "Create Login Server Account" and create a game account. Your forum account may have up to 10 game accounts, but you are limited to having three game accounts +1 trader account simultaneously logged in.

Obtaining the Client

TAKP's client is from the December 2002 era. This is the actual client used in the era TAKP is emulating, and the oldest client in use for any emulated server. Please familiarize yourself with the differences on this page

This server has both a Windows and Macintosh client available. The public downloads for these clients are on a Google Drive that Sketchy currently maintains. It is highly recommended to get the latest freethemouse eqgame.dll update with the client included as a small separate download link. The freethemouse eqgame.dll allows you mouse over from one client window to another without the need to alt-tab. More info on the current version of the freethemouse update can be found here

On Windows (need both downloads):

On Mac OSX (Catalina not supported, need one download):

For OSX users, the game is launched with a launcher. Once you have the client, it must be moved into the Applications folder in order for the launcher to recognize it.

If you have any issues, check the Known Issues and Troubleshooting section.

Other items kept here for history tracking and typically are not needed:

The Supported Windows Client

The supported client linked above requires almost no setup-- you need merely unzip it, copy the updated files from the 3.53 update into the folder, and run eqgame.exe. From here you log in with one of your game accounts after the client asks for some graphics configuration settings. If you get errors, try running eqgame.exe as administrator.

A MD5 hash list of the client files is available.

This client is configured/modified in the following way:

  • Virtually all unnecessary files removed. No zones beyond PoP. Client size is 2.28 GB.
  • All character files, logs and client settings deleted. Client is about as clean as it gets.
  • Haynar's modifications allowing alt-enter full screen mode, a built-in FPS limiter, automatic renamed client windows, and other quality of life improvements.
  • The executable has been modified to allow the mouse cursor to leave the game window. (Secrets' mod)
  • EQW functionality has been merged into eqgame.exe, eliminating the need to run eqw.exe.
  • Beastlord MGB AA implemented in the UI.
  • Desktop gamma changes no longer crash the game.
  • The missing sun and moon put back in. (Sony apparently broke it in our era)
  • HotKeyNet with a simple client switcher script is included.
  • Seven custom UIs included.
  • Missing environmental sound effects files (emt and xmi) added. Volume adjusted in these files since the client has no environmental sound volume slider.
  • The zip archive (but not the installer) has the Luclin zone music files added. (Daybreak recently released these)
  • Missing strings added to eqstr_en.txt.
  • readonce.txt edited with server staff credits.
  • eqhost.txt points to TAKP.
  • DataRate.txt set to 9.0.
  • MP3 window made functional.

eqclient.ini is completely default save for:

  • Alliance chat autojoin.
  • Target Group Buffs turned on.
  • ShowAlarmWindow set to false.

Hybrid Graphics Support

Some laptops containing hybrid graphics, with discrete graphics processing capabilities, often do not get utilized by the PC Client. This is due to the graphics in the older PC client being based on MS DirectX 8. A DirectX wrapper has been found that can successfully enable use of the discrete GPU, over the slower on board graphics. You can download the wrapper at dgVoodoo2. Versions 2.54 and newer have been successfully tested on AMD and NVidia based hybrid graphics on several systems under Windows 7 & 10.

To install the wrapper, you need to open the downloaded zip file, and copy the D3D8.dll file found in the MS subfolder, and put this in the same folder as your eqgame.exe. Then just run the eqgame.exe normally. DO NOT PUT THIS FILE IN YOUR WINDOWS SYSTEM FOLDER!!! When you go into the options to select your graphics card, it will typically have a generic description for the wrapped dgVoodoo card like "\DISPLAY1". After selecting this display adapter, the game should run normally, with the exception of changing screen resolutions. If you change the display resolution in game, it WILL crash the client. So only do this in a safe location. You can optionally change the resolution by hand in the eqgame.ini.

If the wrapper is loaded, in game it will have a "dgVoodoo" watermark in the lower right corner of the display. The performance difference is usually very noticeable. But if you want to be sure, you can use software such as GPU-Z, to monitor the load on the discrete graphics card.

Limiting Your Frame Rate In Windows

The supported client includes a frame rate limiter not found in the original client. You can change foreground and background FPS limits (this gets put in automatically if absent) by editing these lines in your eqclient.ini:


The recommended frame rate for MaxMouseLookFPS is 60 (or 30) to avoid mouse look issues. Its 0 (disabled) by default. Very high frame rates will make mouse look less usable. However you can change these if desired. You may want a higher background FPS for better autofollowing. These features (among other fixes) are a part of the latest eqgame.dll you would have downloaded under the Obtaining the Client Section for Windows.

Switching Client Windows with HotKeyNet

The supported client comes with HotKeyNet bundled with it. HotKeyNet is a program to assist in multi-boxing in games. Also included is a simple script that is configured to make the numpad 1-3 keys change focus to your three client windows. In this way you can switch client focus without alt-tab.

  • Start HotkeyNet.exe. Script.txt should auto-load.
  • Press Left Ctrl+F12 to open up 3 client windows at once.
  • Use the default hotkeys NumPadEnd, NumPadDown, NumPadPgDwn to switch between Client windows.

Using Classic Spells and Models

Building Your Own Windows Client From Install Media

It is strongly recommended that you download the supported client, but it is also possible to make a TAKP client from old EverQuest installation CDs.

To do this you will need a copy of EverQuest from Planes of Power to Titanium. The best client to install from is EverQuest Gold version 2 (the gold version with Planes of Power) released in November 2002. Gold and Titanium should include all the necessary zone files-- not every boxed client will include them all, as they were often sold as upgrades to an existing install. If you get your files from a client other than Gold or Titanium, then you may need to copy the missing zone files from another source.

Note that you will still likely need to obtain some files from other users; see below.

Copy all of the files from a clean EverQuest install into a new directory. Then download EQMule's Al'Kabor Patch and unzip all of the files into the folder, overwriting any files already there.

Edit the eqhost.txt file to point to the TAKP server:

[Login Servers]

The EQMule patch requires that your machine have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) installed. If you get the error "Exception Processing Message 0xc0000135" when you run the client, then the cause is that you do not have the package installed. You may already have this.

From here you need a working default UI. If the game fails to load after server select, then it's likely because the UI from your install media is not compatible. (in the uifiles\default folder) You will need to ask a TAKP user for a compatible default UI. The Titanium default UI will not work. The Gold UI is also not fully compatible because Al'Kabor was in a state between releases, so a few files will need to be replaced from a later client.

Launching the Game in OS X

TAKP cannot be launched by simply running You will need to choose from a variety of scripts or applications the community has created with the intent to simplify not only running the game, but also running multiple instances of it (boxing up to 3):

Each launcher has its own pros, cons, and instructions. Please review all options and choose the one that looks best for you. Once you’ve chosen a launcher you’ll be able to login and join us!

Installing TAKP EverQuest in Linux

This is a work in progress. Please send questions or comments to krakmojo via a Conversation in the forums.

Current Process to install TAKP EQ on Linux

  1. Install Wine and PlayOnLinux
    • Arch: From Console: "sudo pacman -S wine playonlinux"
    • Debian: From Console: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine playonlinux"
    • RHEL/CentoS/Fedora
  2. Download the Windows Client v2.0 from Above
  3. Download the latest Free The Mouse dll from Free The Mouse v3.4 update
  4. Download the 32 bit dinput8.dll version 6.0.6001.18000 from
  5. Open PlayOnLinux
    1. Tools
      1. Manage Wine Versions
        1. Install Wine v2.2-staging (x86) and close that window
        2. Using your File Manager, go to ~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/2.2-staging/lib/ and delete the 4 files with names containing ""
    2. Configure
      1. New→ Next
      2. 32 bits Windows installation
        1. Name this WINE instance. I named mine TAKP
    3. Highlight TAKP
      1. Install Components
        • Install D3Dx9,
        • Install vcrun2010
        • Install dinput8
      2. Wine
        • Configure Wine
        • Go to the Staging Tab
        • Enable CSMT for better graphic performance
    4. Go to the Display Tab
      1. Set GLSL to Disabled
  6. Open up your file manager
    1. Copy TAKP Folder from Pre-Configured Windows client to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/TAKP/drive_c/
    2. Copy dinput8.dll version 6.0.6001.18000 to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/TAKP/drive_c/windows/system32/ and replace the one that is there.
  7. Go back to PlayOnLinux Configuration
    1. Select TAKP
      1. Make New shortcut
      2. eqgame.exe→ next
      3. Name it whatever you want, I named mine TAKP
      4. Select "I don't want to make another shortcut"
  8. Select TAKP and hit run
  • Note that when TAKP EQ enters full screen it will lose focus, you will need to Alt-Tab or re-select the game by other means the first time.
  • You can run the eqgame.exe multiple times and it will automatically rename the windows Client1, Client2, Client3, etc
  1. Repeat this process to create additional instances for multi-boxing that doesn't share files.

Optional Window Switching Global Hotkeys

  1. Install AutoKey
  2. Open Autokey and make a new script for each instance you want to switch to.
    1. Paste the following into the script replacing TAKP1 with the name of your

if window.wait_for_exist('Client1', 0) == True: system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)

else: system.exec_command('/usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "TAKP1" %F', getOutput=True)

  1. Set up the key bindings you want for each window you want to switch to, changing the Client# to match the number of the corresponding EQ instance
  2. While AutoKey is running, when you use the Global Hotkey, it will check to see if the Client# is running, if it is it will switch to that window, if it isn't it will start a new instance of EQ.

To Scroll between the Clients numerically set up hotkeys with the following. I've bound them to Ctrl+Alt+Up and Ctrl+Alt+Down respectively.

  1. Enter script code

winTitle = window.get_active_title()
if winTitle == ('Client1'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client3", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client2'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client3'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client2", False)
else: system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client3", False)


  1. Enter script code

winTitle = window.get_active_title()
if winTitle == ('Client1'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client2", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client2'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client3", False)
elif winTitle == ('Client3'): system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)
else: system.exec_command("wmctrl -a Client1", False)

Linux Troubleshooting

  • Mouse cursor is moving too rapidly:
  1. Open PlayonLinux
    1. Configure
      1. Select your TAKP install
        1. Miscellanious Tab
          1. Set "Mouse Warp Override" to "Enable"

Setting up your Trader

For those not familiar, EQ of our era allows you to use a character or characters to act as merchants to sell your wares. This is possible only in the Bazaar zone. Purchase some trader satchels and any item you place in them can have a price set on it and sold while you're afk. You access the merchant window by typing /trader. You can search other's wares by typing /bazaar.

You can create a game account to use as a dedicated trader account. This account will only be usable as a trader, and once you create a character in the account, it will spawn in the Bazaar instead of its usual newbie area. You also cannot undo the trader account flag once there are characters on it. To set up the Trader:

  1. Create an account in Game Accounts
  2. Log into your account but do not create a character
  3. Refresh the Game Accounts page (to load your login history)
  4. In the summary at the top with your Forum name, click "Set Trader"
  5. Read and understand the disclaimer!
    • You can't change trader accounts once set.
    • GMs will NOT change this for you if you change your mind.
    • All characters on selected account will NOT gain XP
    • Characters CAN NOT be moved in or out of selected account.
    • You have been warned.
  6. Click OK
  7. Under the "Set Trader" link a menu will show the accounts available to set as Trader
  8. Click the account you want to set as Trader
  9. The warning shows again
    • You can't change trader accounts once set.
    • GMs will NOT change this for you if you change your mind.
    • All characters on selected account will NOT gain XP
    • Characters CAN NOT be moved in or out of selected account.
    • You have been warned.
  10. Click OK
  11. The popup will show "Trader toggled for <accountname>"
  12. Click OK
  13. Log in and create your Trader character!

Item pricing is saved in your EQ folder in BZR_CharacterName_loginse.ini files. So keep this in mind if you ever need to transfer bazaar pricing to another computer or folder.

Troubleshooting: Some have reported that they cannot switch an empty account to a trader account. A possible work around is to create a character on the account, log the character into the world, then log out. Delete the character and then try to toggle the trader switch again on that account.

Optional Steps

The supported client comes with several additional custom UIs. To switch to one of these, run the slash command /loadskin <ui> 1. The 1 is optional-- it will keep your current window positions. Loading UIs via the options window will not work.

To use another loading screen, grab the file above and extract it to your desktop. You'll see folders for classic + the 4 expansions. Choose the loading screen you want to use, and copy the bmpwad8.s3d file there to your client's directory, overwriting the existing file. The .bmp files in each directory are only for reference and are not needed by the client. This works for both the PC client and OSX. The location of your client files under OSX is normally /Applications/

EQClient.ini settings

The eqclient.ini file contains a list of settings that can be changed to suit your preferences, many of which cannot be changed in-game through the options window.

In Windows, the eqclient.ini is located within your EverQuest directory, wherever eqgame.exe or eqw.exe reside.

In OS X, the eqclient.ini file is located in your user's ~/Library/Application Support/EverQuest/ directory. The Library directory is hidden by default, and is most easily accessed by having Finder active, hold OPTION and click on the 'Go' menu item, then down to Library.

Some commonly changed settings include:

  • WindowedMode=TRUE/FALSE - This line must be typed out at the top but below [Defaults].
  • NewUI=TRUE/FALSE - Our client still has the old pre-Luclin UI for nostalgia mode.
  • Log=TRUE/FALSE - Setting this true will automatically turn your log file on when entering the game.
  • CombatMusic=TRUE/FALSE - Enable or disable melee combat music.
  • ChannelAutoJoin=alliance - The Alliance channel is used as the global chat channel for the server.
  • TargetGroupBuff=1 - This will allow you to buff groups with group buff spells from outside the group by targeting a member of the group.
  • AttackOnAssist=FALSE - This will allow you to assist another player without automatically enabling auto attack.
  • MaxFPS= - This is the framerate you limit the foreground client window to. If this is set too high, it may consume too many system resources. Typically 60 is a good number to start with and adjust if necessary. A setting of 0 disables the limit. YMMV
  • MaxBGFPS= - This is the framerate you limit the background client windows to. You don't want this too low, since it will affect autofollow ability. But, if you have it too high, it may consume too many system resources. 60 is typically good. A setting of 0 disables the limit. YMMV
  • MouseRightHanded=1 - Switches mouse button orientation.
  • MaxMouseLookFPS= - Allows you to set the mouselook FPS to help with mouselook slowness. If your mouselook is too slow, try adjusting this to 60 or 45. A setting of 0 disables the limit. YMMV
  • [VideoMode]:
(match your display settings with the proper height and width prior to launching the game)
  • Velious armor textures:

Velious armor textures are not enabled by default as they can cause an issue with Vah Shir armor not displaying. Most players would probably prefer them on however.

EQClassicHD - higher resolution texture pack

A port of the EQClassicHD is available for TAKP HERE.

Prior to installation, verify you're using the latest version of the client linked above.

There are two installation methods. Windows users can utilize the install.bat file and point to their TAKP directory.

Alternatively, the .s3d files can be copied into a TAKP directory, overwriting the old files (make a back up of your old files!)

If you notice coloring issues or other oddities, it is advised to DISABLE texture caching within the eqclient.ini file: TextureCache=FALSE. Once the issue is resolved and the texture mod is working properly, you can reenable texture caching.

In-game maps

While the client doesn't allow for in-game maps (that was added during the LoY expansion), you can however use a 3rd party Windows application called ZlizEQMap in order to achieve something similar. It involves keeping logging on and then binding sense heading and /loc to a movement key while an app continuously looks for these. It then will display your location on the current zone map and direction (if sense heading was successful). This doesn't work well for all zones, but works surprisingly well for most. The details can be found here:

ZlizEQMap pack for TAKP

Known Issues and Troubleshooting

Connectivity Issues

"Sometimes my character's spell gems stay greyed out and the server stops responding to my client."

This is what is commonly referred to as 'desyncing'. The precise cause(s) of the problem are unknown (else they would get fixed up) but there are things that can be done to reduce the chance of this occurring.

  • Ensure that your internet connection is uncongested. Try using a wired connection to your router instead of wifi.
  • Make sure your firewall isn't blocking client ports.
  • Make sure your frame rate is limited if running the Windows client.
  • Use one of the clients linked above if you're using a different one.
  • Try connecting over a VPN. Some users claim this helps.

Reports from users experiencing this issue are important in order for developers to identify the cause. If you experience this issue, please report it on the forum and explain what you were doing at the time it occurred.

See also this post summarizing connection issues:
Connection Issues for TAKP

Chat channel drops

If your chat channels regularly drop, you can try adding ChatKeepAlive=1 in the defaults section of the eqclient.ini, this will increase frequency the keepalives are sent to every 15 seconds.

If one packet is dropped that is the keepalive from Client to Server, you will time out before it triggers again, if the ChatKeepAlive=1 is not set. So this specific condition can contribute to chat channels dropping.

Issues running the game

If you see any of these when trying to first run the game:

  • windows application error
  • the memory could not be read

This coulde be that Directx 9c or a Visual C runtime is not installed. Try installing the following, rebooting and trying again:

Other general issues

Pauses or lag when opening bags or opening UI elements.

  • Ensure that your antivirus software has exclusions set for the EQ folder and the UI files underneath it. Remember, Windows 7 and Windows 10 come with built-in antivirus software.