
From The Al`Kabor Project Wiki
Revision as of 17:28, 5 November 2022 by Tragedie37 (talk | contribs) (Changed faction level numbers)
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In EverQuest, Faction is a measure of how much a population or group of NPCs like or dislike your character.
Various mobs and NPCs belong to faction groups. Some belong to multiple faction groups. Every player starts out with various levels of like or dislike with every faction group. They may be different depending on your race and/or class. Killing mobs and completing quests can change faction levels.
When you Consider (/con) NPCs and mobs you will get a message. The message relays two things. The first is the NPCs attitude toward you. The second is how tough the NPC is compared to you.

Faction Levels

Ally Warmly Kindly Amiable Indifferent Apprehensive Dubious Threatening Scowls
1100 to 2000 750 to 1099 500 to 749 100 to 499 0 to 99 -1 to -100 -101 to -500 -501 to -750 -751 to -2000
