Alternate Advancement

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General AA's

General AA's
Name Classes Ranks Cost Description /Alt Activation Code
First Aid All 3 1 Each This ability increases the maximum that you can bind wound by 10 percent for each ability level. N/A
Innate Agility ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Agility by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Charisma ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Charisma by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Cold Protection ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Save Vs Cold by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Dexterity ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Dexterity by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Disease Protection ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Save Vs Disease by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Fire Protection ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Save Vs Fire by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Intelligence ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Intelligence by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Lung Capacity ALL 5 1 Each This ability increases the amount of air you have by 10, 25, and 50 percent. N/A
Innate Magic Protection ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Save Vs Magic by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Metabolism ALL 5 1 Each This ability decreases your food consumption by 10, 25 and 50 percent. N/A
Innate Poison Protection ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Save Vs Poison by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Regeneration ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your regeneration ability by 1 point per ability level. N/A
Innate Run Speed ALL 5 1 Each This ability will slightly modify your base run speed. This modification does NOT stack with movement rate spell effects. N/A
Innate Stamina ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Stamina by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Strength ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Strength by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
Innate Wisdom ALL 5 1 Each This ability raises your base Wisdom by 2 points for each ability level. N/A
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery ALL 5 1 Each Training with the sages and merchants of New Tanaan gives adventurers the chance to hone their crafting skills. For each rank of this ability that you purchase, you are able to raise an additional trade skill past its Specialization level (200). (This ability applies to Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Pottery, and Tailoring.) N/A

Archetype AA's

Archetype AA's
Name Classes Ranks Cost Description /Alt Activation Code
Channeling Focus Mana Classes 3 2/4/6 This ability reduces the chance of your spell casts being interrupted. The ability levels reduce your interrupts by 5, 10, and 15 percent. N/A
Combat Agility ALL 3 2/4/6 This ability increases your melee damage avoidance by 2, 5 and 10 percent. N/A
Combat Fury Hybrids + Melees 3 2/4/6 This ability increases your chance to land a critical hit. Non-Warriors will nearly match the original critical hit abilities of Warriors, while Warriors will remain significantly ahead of other classes. N/A
Combat Stability All 3 2/4/6 This ability increases melee damage mitigation by 2, 5, and 10 percent. N/A
Fear Resistance Hybrids + Melees 3 2/4/6 This ability grants you a resistance bonus to fear type spells of 5, 10, and 25 percent. It also increases the chance of breaking fear earlier. N/A
Finishing Blow Hybrids + Melees 3 2/4/6 This ability gives you a chance to finish off an NPC that is below 10 percent health and fleeing with a single blow. The first level works on NPCs below 50, the second on NPCs below 52, and the third on NPCs below 54. (Non-Warriors must first train one level of Combat Fury to use this ability.) N/A
Healing Adept BST CLR DRU PAL RNG SHM 3 2/4/6 This ability increases the maximum effectiveness of your healing spells by 2, 5, and 10 percent. N/A
Healing Gift BST CLR DRU PAL RNG SHM 3 2/4/6 This ability grants you a chance to score an exceptional heal at 3, 6, and 10 percent. An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell. N/A
Mental Clarity Mana Classes 3 2/4/6 This ability increases your natural mana regeneration by 1 point per ability level. N/A
Natural Durability All 3 2/4/6 This ability increases your maximum hitpoints by 2, 5, and 10 percent. (The percentages are based off of your base hitpoints, which include stamina and stamina effects.) N/A
Natural Healing Hybrids + Melees 3 2/4/6 This ability raises your natural regeneration by one point per ability level. N/A
Spell Casting Deftness ENC MAG NEC SHD WIZ 3 2/4/6 This ability reduces the casting time of beneficial spells that have a duration longer than instant and a cast time greater than four seconds. The ability levels reduce these casting times by 5, 15, and 25 percent. N/A
Spell Casting Expertise ENC MAG NEC SHD WIZ 3 2/4/6 This ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle a spell. The first level affects all spells below level 20. The second, on all spells below level 35. The third, on all spells below level 52. N/A
Spell Casting Fury Mana Classes 3 2/4/6 This ability gives you a chance to land critical hits with your direct damage spells. The ability levels increase your chance to score a critical by 2, 4, and 7 percent. N/A
Spell Casting Mastery Casters + Priests 3 2/4/6 This ability gives you an increased chance of making your specialization checks. It also reduces your chance to fizzle and increases the chance to lower the mana cost for the spell by 5, 15, and 30 percent. N/A
Spell Casting Reinforcement BST CLR DRU ENC PAL RNG SHM 3 2/4/6 This ability increases the duration of beneficial spells that you cast by 5, 15, and 30 percent. N/A
Spell Casting Subtlety BRD ENC MAG NEC SHD WIZ 3 2/4/6 After training in this ability, NPCs will notice your magical activities 5, 10, and 20 percent less. N/A

Class AA's

Class AA's
Name Classes Ranks Cost Description /Alt Activation Code
Acrobatics BRD MNK ROG 3 3/6/9 This ability will reduce the damage that you take from falling. N/A
Act of Valor PAL 1 3 This noble ability will allow you to transfer all of your hit points to a target player, killing you in the process.
Advanced Trap Negotiation BRD ROG 3 3/6/9 This ability will reduce the reuse time on your sense and disarm trap skills.
Alchemy Mastery SHM 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces your chances of failing alchemy combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Ambidexterity BRD BST MNK RNG ROG WAR 1 9 This ability increases your chance to use dual wield successfully.
Archery Mastery RNG 3 3/6/9 This ability increases your archery damage 30, 60, and 100 percent.
Area Taunt WAR 1 5 This ability will allow you to taunt everything in a small radius.
Bandage Wound WAR 3 3/6/9 This ability will give you increased healing ability per bandage by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Bestow Divine Aura CLR 1 6 This ability gives you the ability to cast a Divine Aura spell on a Player target, temporarily rendering the target invulnerable. 39
Body and Mind Rejuvination Hybrids 1 5 This ability will give you one additional point of mana and hit point regeneration.
Call to Corpse NEC 1 6 This ability allows you to cast a no component summon corpse spell.
Cannibalization SHM 1 5 This ability will give the caster a new, massive Cannibalize spell.
Celestial Regeneration CLR 1 5 This ability gives you the ability to cast a large heal over time spell at no mana cost. 38
Chaotic Stab ROG 1 6 This ability will allow you to do minimal backstab damage on your backstab attempt, even if you are not positioned behind the monster.
Critical Mend MNK 3 3/6/9 This ability gives you a chance to perform a superior mend 5, 10, and 25 percent of the time.
Dead Mesmerization NEC 1 3 This ability allows you to cast an AE low resist mesmerization spell effective against the undead.
Dire Charm DRU ENC NEC 1 9 This ability gives you the chance to permanently charm an NPC. (Enchanters: All. Druids: Animals only. Necromancers: Undead only.)
Divine Resurrection CLR 1 5 This ability allows you to provide a resurrection that restores 100 percent experience, all hit points and mana, and causes no adverse resurrection effects. 36
Divine Stun PAL 1 9 Training in this ability gives you a new, fast-casting spell that has the chance to interrupt Level 68 or lower NPCs. Normal resist rules apply.
Double Riposte BER BST MNK PAL RNG ROG SHD WAR 3 3/6/9 This ability will give you an increased chance to execute a double riposte 15, 35, and 50 percent of the time.
Dragon Punch MNK 1 5 This ability augments Dragon Punch for human monks and Tail Rake for iksars with the chance to automatically perform a Knockback.
Elemental Form: Air MAG 3 3/6/9 This ability will allow you to turn into an air elemental, gaining many of the innate benefits of the form, as well as some of the penalties.
Elemental Form: Earth MAG 3 3/6/9 This ability will allow you to turn into an earth elemental, gaining many of the innate benefits of the form, as well as some of the penalties.
Elemental Form: Fire MAG 3 3/6/9 This ability will allow you to turn into a fire elemental, gaining many of the innate benefits of the form, as well as some of the penalties.
Elemental Form: Water MAG 3 3/6/9 This ability will allow you to turn into a water elemental, gaining many of the innate benefits of the form, as well as some of the penalties.
Elemental Pact MAG 1 5 This ability will prevent components used in the summoning of pets from being expended.
Endless Quiver RNG 1 9 This ability provides you a never-ending supply of arrows.
Enhanced Root DRU 1 5 This ability reduces the chance that a rooted NPC will be freed by your damage spells by 50 percent.
Escape ROG 1 9 This ability will cause all NPCs to forget about you. If you are out of immediate combat, this ability will also make you invisible similar to your hiding ability.
Exodus DRU WIZ 1 6 This ability gives you the ability to cast an extremely fast-casting, no mana cost evacuation or succor spell.
Extended Notes BRD 3 3/6/9 This ability will increased your song ranges by 10, 15, and 25 percent.
Fearless PAL SHD 1 6 This ability will make you permanently immune to fear spells.
Fearstorm NEC 1 5 Allows you to cast an AE low resist fear spell.
Flesh to Bone NEC 1 3 This ability allows you to turn any meat or body part item into bone chips. You must hold the item or stack on your cursor. *Warning* This ability will use magical or no trade items if they are held on the cursor.
Flurry WAR 3 3/6/9 This ability will allow you to perform up to 2 additional attacks from your primary hand.
Frenzied Burnout MAG 1 6 This ability allows you to cast a buff on your pet that will cause it to go berserk, doing increased damage.
Frenzy of Spirit BST 1 4 This ability gives Beastlords the power to send themselves into an animalistic frenzy, bent only on slaughter, for a brief period of time.
Gather Mana ENC 1 5 This ability allows you to recover up to 10,000 points of mana nearly instantly.
Hobble of Spirits BST 1 5 Once you train this ability, you may imbue your pet with an attack that is reputed to slow an enemys walking.
Holy Steed PAL 1 5 This ability provides you with the power to call the ultimate holy steed to your side.
Improved Familiar WIZ 1 9 This ability will summon an improved familiar that is an upgrade from the greater familiar. This improved familiar is higher in level, has more hitpoints, and is very resistant to all spells.
Improved Harm Touch SHD 1 6 This ability gives you a low-resist Harm Touch. Using this ability also uses your existing Harm Touch timer.
Improved Lay on Hands PAL 1 5 This ability will turn your Lay of Hands into a complete heal.
Improved Reclaim Energy MAG 1 3 This ability will increase the amount of mana returned to you when reclaiming your pet.
Innate Camouflage DRU RNG 1 5 This ability allows you to become invisible, nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.
Innate Invisibility vs Undead CLR NEC 1 3 This ability allows you to become invisible to the undead, nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.
Instrument Mastery BRD 3 3/6/9 This ability allows for improved use of all instrument types.
Jam Fest BRD 3 3/6/9 This ability allows you to sing your songs at a higher apparent level. Note: This does not allow you to sing songs that are actually higher than your level.
Jewelcraft Mastery ENC 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces your chance of failing jewelcraft combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Leech Touch SHD 1 6 This ability gives you a life tap harm touch. Using this ability also uses your existing Harm Touch timer.
Lifeburn NEC 1 9 This ability allows you to cast a no-resist direct damage spell equal to that of your current hitpoints. The effect drains your life and provides a life bond effect that does 250 damage per tick, for 6 ticks.
Manaburn WIZ 1 5 This ability allows you to do non-resistable damage in an amount based off of your current mana.
Mass Group Buff BST CLR DRU ENC MAG NEC PAL RNG SHM 1 9 This ability turns the next group buff that you cast into a beneficial area effect spell, hitting everyone within its radius, at the cost of doubling the spells mana usage. 35
Mend Companion BST MAG NEC 1 5 This ability allows you to cast a Lay of Hands type spell on your pet.
Nexus Gate WIZ 1 6 This ability gives you an instant-cast self gate spell to the Nexus.
Paragon of Spirit BST 1 6 This ability allows the Beastlord to share some of his natural attunement with his party in the form of health and mana.
Permanent Illusion ENC 1 3 This ability allows you to zone without losing your current illusion.
Pet Discipline BST MAG NEC SHD SHM 1 6 This ability will allow you to give your pet a hold command until explicitly told to attack. Usage: /pet hold.
Physical Enhancement Hybrids + Melees 1 5 This ability will give you additional improvements in your Natural Durability, Avoidance Boost, and Mitigation Boost.
Poison Mastery ROG 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces your chance of failing on a poison combination by 10, 25, and 50 percent. It also reduces the time to apply poison by 2.5 seconds per ability level. Once one point is applied to this ability, you will never again fail in poison application.
Purge Poison ROG 1 5 This ability will remove all poisons from your body.
Purify Body MNK 1 9 This ability removes all negative effects from your body except for fear, charm, and resurrection effects.
Purify Soul CLR 1 5 This ability allows you to cast a spell that cures most ailments.
Quick Buff ENC SHM 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces the casting time of many beneficial spells that have a duration by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Quick Damage DRU MAG WIZ 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces the casting time on your damage spells that have a casting time greater than four seconds by 2, 5 and 10 percent.
Quick Evacuation DRU WIZ 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces the casting time on your evacuation and succor spells by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Quick Summoning MAG 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces the casting time of your summoning spells by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Rabid Bear SHM 1 5 This ability turns you into a Rabid Bear, boosting all of your offensive capabilities.
Rampage WAR 1 5 This ability will allow you to strike everything in a small radius.
Rapid Feign MNK 3 3/6/9 This ability reduces your reuse time on feign death by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Return Kick MNK 3 3/6/9 This ability gives you the chance to automatically perform a bonus flying kick on ripostes 25, 35, and 50 percent of the time.
Scribble Notes BRD 1 3 This ability will reduce the amount of time that it takes you to memorize a song.
Singing Mastery BRD 3 3/6/9 This ability allows for specialization and improved use of your voice.
Slay Undead PAL 3 3/6/9 This ability will cause your criticals to inflict greatly improved damage versus the undead.
Soul Abrasion SHD 3 3/6/9 This ability gives you increased damage off of the lifetap procs that result from your self buffs.
Spell Casting Fury Mastery WIZ 3 3/6/9 This ability gives you an increased chance to score a critical hit with your direct damage spells.
Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery CLR DRU ENC SHM 1 8 This ability increases the duration of beneficial buffs that you cast by an additional 20 percent.
Strong Root WIZ 1 5 This ability will grant you the ability to cast an extremely low resistance Root-type spell.
Turn Summoned MAG 1 5 This ability infuses a summoned NPC with elemental energy, causing it to continually take damage for the next 30 seconds. Each additional level of this ability increases the damage done. Occasionally a summoned NPC will react violently to the infusion of energy, potentially destroying it outright.
Turn Undead CLR 3 3/6/9 This ability infuses an undead NPC with holy energy, causing it to continually take damage for the next 30 seconds. Each additional level of this ability increases the damage done. Occasionally an undead NPC will react violently to the infusion of holy energy, potentially destroying it outright.
Two Hand Bash PAL SHD 1 6 This ability will allow you to use your Bash skill while wielding any 2-handed weapon.
Unholy Steed SHD 1 5 This ability provides you with the power to call the ultimate unholy steed to your side.
Warcry WAR 3 3/6/9 This ability will allow you to make your entire group immune to fear for 10 seconds per level of the ability.

PoP Advance AA's

PoP Advance AA's
Name Classes Ranks Cost Description /Alt Activation Code
Advanced Innate Agility ALL 10 1 Each This ability raises your innate Agility by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Advanced Innate Charisma All 10 1 each This ability raises your innate Charisma by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Advanced Innate Dexterity All 10 1 each This ability raises your innate Dexterity by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Advanced Innate Intelligence All 10 1 each This ability raises your innate Intelligence by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Advanced Innate Stamina All 10 1 each This ability raises your innate Stamina by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Advanced Innate Strength All 10 1 each This ability raises your innate Strength by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Advanced Innate Wisdom All 10 1 each This ability raises your innate Wisdom by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Bertoxxulous' Gift All 10 1 each This ability raises your base resistance to disease-based spells by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Blessing of E'ci All 10 1 each This ability raises your base resistance to cold-based spells by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Innate Enlightenment Casters + Priests 5 3 Each Those who have meditated on the Plane of Tranquility find themselves able to expand their capacity of both Insight and Intellect. Each rank of this ability raises the maximum that you may raise your Intelligence and Wisdom by ten points. You may train in this ability once each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Marr's Protection All 10 1 each This ability raises your base resistance to magic-based spells by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Planar Durability PAL SHD WAR 3 3 Each The planes demand a certain hardiness of those who adventure within. Each rank of this ability adds an additional 1.5% to your maximum hit points. You gain the ability to train an additional rank at levels 61, 63, and 65. N/A
Planar Power All 5 2 Each This ability raises the maximum that your statistics can be raised to, with items or spells, by 5 points per rank. You may train in this ability once each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Shroud of the Faceless All 10 1 each This ability raises your base resistance to poison-based spells by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A
Warding of Solusek All 10 1 each This ability raises your base resistance to fire-based spells by two points per rank. You may train in this ability twice each level, beginning at level 61. N/A

PoP Ability AA's

PoP Ability AA's
Name Classes Ranks Cost Description /Alt Activation Code
Advanced Healing Adept BST CLR DRU PAL RNG SHM 3 2/4/6 This ability increases the maximum effectiveness of your healing spells by three percent per rank. You may train in this ability once each level, upon reaching levels 62, 63, and 64. N/A
Advanced Healing Adept
Advanced Healing Gift
Allegiant Familiar
Animation Empathy
Ayonae's Tutelage
Bestial Frenzy
Boastful Bellow
Call of Xuzl
Celestial Renewal
Consumption of the Soul
Coup de Grace
Divine Arbitration
Eldrich Rune
Fading Memories
Feigned Minion
Feverent Blessing
Flash of Steel
Fleet of Foot
Furious Rampage
Fury of Magic
Fury of Magic Mastery
Fury of the Ages
Guardian of the Forest
Hand of Piety
Harmonious Attack
Harvest of Druzzil
Hastened Divinity
Hastened Exodus
Hastened Gathering
Hastened Instigation
Hastened Mending
Hastened Purification
Hastened Purification of Body
Hastened Purification of Soul
Hastened Rabidity
Hastened Root
Hastened Stealth
Hasty Exit
Host of the Elements
Innate Defense
Knight's Advantage
Lightning Reflexes
Living Shield
Mastery of the Past
Mending of the Tranquil
Mithaniel's Binding
Nimble Evasion
Project Illusion
Punishing Blade
Radiant Cure
Raging Flurry
Rush to Judgment
Servant of Ro
Shroud of Stealth
Sionachie's Crescendo
Speed of the Knight
Spirit Call
Spirit of the Wood
Stalwart Endurance
Suspended Minion
Tactical Mastery
Technique of Master Wu
Theft of Life
Total Domination
Touch of the Wicked
Unfailing Divinity
Unholy Touch
Virulent Paralysis
Viscid Roots
Wake the Dead
Wrack Summoned
Wrack Undead
Wrath of the Wild