Spell Focus Items

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Affliction Efficiency

Decrease Damage over Time and Debuff Spell Mana Cost by 25%

Affliction Efficiency I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
item_534.gif Diamondine Earring The Castle of Mistmoore Lasna Cheroon
Princess Cherista
item_636.gif Impskin Gloves Solusek's Eye Kindle
item_520.gif Polished Bone Bracelet Eastern Plains of Karana & Gorge of King Xorbb an evil eye, an evil eye, an evil eye, King Xorbb, Lord Syrkl, Lord Sviir
Affliction Efficiency II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
item_505.gif Chipped Bone Bracelet The Western Plains of Karana & Timorous Deep Chief Goonda, an ogre shaman, an ogre shamaness, an ogre priestess, The Great Oowomp
item_664.gif Squallsurge Shawl Kedge Keep Undertow
item_752.gif White Gold Necklace The Ruins of Old Guk a froglok noble
Affliction Efficiency III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
item_525.gif Boots of Superiority The Temple of Veeshan Lendiniara the Keeper
item_779.gif Boots of the Dead Dream The Temple of Veeshan Lord Feshlak
item_1040.gif Gem Encrusted Ring Veeshan's Peak lava drake
item_566.gif Talisman of Evasion Ssraeshza Temple Rhag`Mozdezh
Affliction Efficiency IV (Max Spell Level 65)
Name Zone Mob
item_1117.gif Ceramic Gavel of Justice Pottery Ceramic Gavel Of Justice Recipe
item_1341.gifFalchion of Flowing Water The Plane of Justice Dreamthief
item_1389.gif Pus Covered Beetle Carapace The Plane of Disease Grummus
item_1240.gif Sharp Claw Ahlspiess The Plane of Nightmares Untel`Dak

Affliction Haste

Increase Damage over Time and Debuff Spell Haste by 33%

Affliction Haste I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
item_523.gif Crown of Below The Echo Caverns King Gomklin of Below
item_671.gif Granite Bracer The Rathe Mountains Petrifin
item_849.gif Polished Stone Anklet The Field of Bone a burynai cutter
item_617.gif Ring of Goblin Lords Solusek's Eye Solusek goblin king
Affliction Haste II (Max Spell Level 44)
item_752.gif Chrysoberyl Talisman The Ruins of Old Guk a minotaur elder
item_940.gif Green Silken Drape Nagafen's Lair noxious spider
item_633.gif Iksar Hide Boots The Ruins of Sebilis froglok ilis wizard, froglok ilis wizard , froglok ilis knight
item_718.gif Silken Cat-fur Girdle Trakanon's Teeth Sigra
Affliction Haste III (Max Spell Level 60)
item_620.gif Bracelet of the Sky Temple of Veeshan Eashen of the Sky
item_511.gif Circlet of the Falinkan Skyshrine Quest: Ralgyn's Promise
item_563.gif Girdle of Magnificence Katta Castellum Lcea Katta
item_1053.gif Surreptitious Broach*
Spelled "Brooch" on Zam.com
Kerafyrm's Lair (Sleeper's Tomb) Kildrukaun the Ancient, Tjudawos the Ancient, Vyskudra the Ancient, Zeixshi`Kar the Ancient
Affliction Haste IV (Max Spell Level 65)
item_1070.gif Ceramic Skull of Decay Pottery Recipe : Ceramic Skull Of Decay
item_1279.gif Torch of Lxvanvom Ruins of Lxanvom (Crypt of Decay) Bhaly Adan

Burning Affliction

Increase Damage over Time Spell Damage by 20%

Burning Affliction I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
item_1056.gif Aviak Charm The Southern Plains of Karana aviak avocet
item_1042.gif Golden Ear Stud Lake Rathetear gnoll embalmer
item_634.gif Hollowed Bone Bracers Najena Rathyl reincarnate
Burning Affliction II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
item_549.gif Reed Belt Dagnor's Cauldron Bilge Farfathom
item_521.gif Serpentine Bracer Ruins of Old Guk a reanimated hand
Burning Affliction III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
item_718.gif Bone-Clasped Girdle Plane of Fear Dread, Terror, and Fright
item_640.gif Cryosilk Cap Plane of Fear a spinechiller spider
IV (Max Spell Level 65)
item_1235.gif Ceramic Shackles of Torment Pottery Recipe : Ceramic Shackles Of Torment
item_546.gif Grimror's Sleeves of the Plagues Plane of Tranquility Plate Elemental Tranquility Armor
item_619.gif Miserable Bauble Torment, the Plane of Pain Saryrn
item_947.gif Orb of the Fearless ENC Only ? ?

Enhancement Haste

Increase Buff Spell Haste by 30 (72 Sec Minimum Duration)

Enhancement Haste I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
item_668.gif Braided Ivy Cords The Lesser Faydark Thistle Underbrush, Bracken Underbrush
item_656.gif Cape of Midnight Mist The Castle of Mistmoore Butler Syncall, Butler Syncall
item_1070.gif Cat Skull Cap The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye a Pickclaw mindripper
item_550.gif Etched Iron Helm The Stonebrunt Mountains a highland kobold, a highland kobold shaman, a raging highland kobold
item_634.gif Gatorscale Sleeves The City of Guk an ancient croc
Enhancement Haste II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
item_840.gif Fine Antique Amice Plane of Knowledge Quest: Lohie's Music Exhibit
item_764.gif Golden Efreeti Boots Nagafen's Lair Efreeti Lord Djarn
item_523.gif Platinum Tiara The Ruins of Old Guk a froglok tactician
item_1043.gif Sarnak Arcane Fetish Chardok Most Mobs
item_860.gif Teachers Syllabus Tower of Frozen Shadow an angry librarian
Enhancement Haste III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
item_572.gif Mosquito Hide Belt Accursed Temple of CazicThule a graystriped mosquito
item_771.gif Mosquito Hide Mask Accursed Temple of CazicThule a virulent mosquito
item_512.gif Ring of the Shissar Ssraeshza Temple Quest: http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=1999
item_514.gif Yunnb's Earring Veeshan's Peak Phara Dar
Enhancement Haste IV (Max Spell Level 65)
item_1289.gif Ceramic Hammer of Innovation Pottery Recipe : Ceramic Hammer Of Innovation
item_798.gif Obsidian Plated Pauldrons The Tower of Solusek Ro Arlyxir, Galremos
item_664.gif Protective Dust Drape Plane of Innovation Quest: Destroy the Behemoth (Tactics Access)
item_875.gif Signet of the Valorous The Plane of Valor The Sleep Walker

Extended Enhancement

Increase Buff Spell Duration by 15% (48 sec Minimum Duration)

Extended Enhancement I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
item_525.gif Bear-hide Boots [Qeynos Hills] Quest: Bear Hide Armor
item_838.gif Damask Robe Befallen, Najena, Solusek's Eye Multiple Mobs in Befallen and Najena, Lynada the exiled in Solusek's Eye
item_632.gif Lockjaw Hide Vest Oasis of Marr Lockjaw
item_1121.gif Shazda Turban Kerra Isle Shazda Asad
Extended Enhancement II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
item_548.gif Batfang Headband Dragon Necropolis, The Western Plains of Karana, Timorous Deep Multiple Mobs in Dragon Necropolis and West Karana, and The Great Oowomp in Timorous Deep
item_624.gif Chestplate of the Constant Temple of Sol Ro Quest: Chestplate of the Constant
item_872.gif Clawed Knuckle-Ring High Keep, Najena Tyrana Slil, Dyrna Nlith, Najena
item_564.gif Drakescale Belt Solusek's Eye Singe
item_624.gif Totemic Breastplate Temple of Sol Ro Quest: Totemic Breastplate
Extended Enhancement III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
item_1053.gif Amulet of Insight Icewell Keep Royal Scribe Kaavin
item_1063.gif Dragon Scaled Mask The Sleeper's Tomb Nanzata the Warder , Tukaarak the Warder
item_1063.gif Fascia Secundae The Sleeper's Tomb Kildrukaun the Ancient, Tjudawos the Ancient, Vyskudra the Ancient, Zeixshi`Kar the Ancient
item_973.gif Rokyls Channelling Crystal Nagafen's Lair Magus Rokyl
Extended Enhancement IV (Max Spell Level 65)
item_760.gif Ceramic Shield of Valor Pottery Recipe : Ceramic Shield Of Valor
item_656.gif Cloak of the Wrulons The Temple of Marr Lord Mithaniel Marr
item_1124.gif Headsmans Hoop The Plane of Justice The Seventh Hammer
item_893.gif Idol of the Tempest Storm The Plane of Storms Gurebk, Lord of Krendic

Extended Range

Increase Spell Range by 15%

Extended Range I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
item_852.gif An Elven Charm Necklace*
it'just "Elven Charm Necklace" on Zam.com
Blackburrow the gnoll high shaman
item_634.gif Drake-hide Sleeves [Solusek's Eye fire goblin bartender
item_501.gif Glowing Bone Collar The Western Plains of Karana an ogre priestess
Extended Range II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Extended Range III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Extended Range IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Improved Damage

Increase Spell Damage by 20% (Instant Direct Damage Spells Only)

Improved Damage I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Improved Damage II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Improved Damage III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Improved Damage IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Improved Healing

Increase Healing by 20%

Improved Healing I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Improved Healing II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Improved Healing III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Improved Healing IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Mana Preservation

Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 10% (Excludes Complete Heal)

Mana Preservation I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Mana Preservation II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Mana Preservation III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Mana Preservation IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Reagent Conservation

Decrease Chance of Using Reagent by 15%'

Reagent Conservation I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Reagent Conservation II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Reagent Conservation III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Reagent Conservation IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Reanimation Efficiency

Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 25% (Summon Skeleton Pets Only)

Reanimation Efficiency I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Reanimation Efficiency II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Reanimation Efficiency III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Reanimation Efficiency IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Reanimation Haste

Increase Spell Haste by 30% (Summon Skeleton Pets Only)

Reanimation Haste I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Reanimation Haste II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Reanimation Haste III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Reanimation Haste IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Spell Haste

Increase Spell Haste by 15% (Excludes Complete Heal)

Spell Haste I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Spell Haste II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Spell Haste III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Spell Haste IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Summoning Efficiency

Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 25% (Summoned Pets Only)

Summoning Efficiency I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Summoning Efficiency II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Summoning Efficiency III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Summoning Efficiency IV (Max Spell Level 65)

Summoning Haste

Increase Spell Haste by 30% (Summoned Pets Only)

Summoning Haste I (Max Level 20)
Name Zone Mob
Summoning Haste II (Max Spell Level 44)
Name Zone Mob
Summoning Haste III (Max Spell Level 60)
Name Zone Mob
Summoning Haste IV (Max Spell Level 65)