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Class Role Report Card AniEnchanter.gif
Healing: N/A
Tanking: Possible, with pet
DPS: Variable
Debuffing: Good
Buffing: Good
Crowd Control: Excellent

Enchanters are the most subtle of spell casters, with little focus on doing damage directly but tremendous impact on the world around them. Enchanters are primarily a magic-using class, with the ability to wear cloth armor and wield blunt weapons and daggers.

Enchanters specialize on improving the minds of their allies, with unmatched mana regeneration spells and mental enhancements. Haste spells are also the domain of the enchanter, providing an incredible boost in attack speed for members of their group. Enchanters have many powers of illusion as well, allowing them to take the form of many different creatures and races.

In battle, enchanters are able to bring order to chaotic situations, often saving their group in a fight that would otherwise be lost. Enchanters possess the ability to mesmerize their enemies, temporarily removing them from a battle. Attack slowing spells are also a specialty, dramatically lowering the speed of a monster's attacks for a period of time. In many situations, enchanters can call upon powerful charm spells to subjugate the mind of a monster and command it to do the enchanter's bidding.

Enchanters are a powerful class, but often rely upon a group to reach their full potential. Experienced enchanters thrive in chaotic situations where they can make the most of their offensive abilities. The enchanter is a good choice for players who enjoy playing in groups and like to take charge of challenging situations.


"The gloom of the recessed flooring in this dank pit assaults us, threatening to over come the torchlight borne by the noble and powerful barbarian warrior to my left. The cleric is humming a gentle mantra to herself, and her beautiful elven cheeks are lost to the droning chants of meditation she is lost to. The dwarven paladin that joined us at the entrance to the castle is thumbing the blade of his mighty axe nervously, though he labels the emotion 'alertness'. Behind me the wizard, a human far from his homelands and allies, is quietly boring a hole into the back of my neck with his gaze, but I put those thoughts to the back of my mind. The last member of our party, a druid whom I've spent many day's travelling with is now pacing nervously about in the confines of this stone chamber, longing to be outside in the winds and light that she can trust. However, I am the enchanter, and her heart follows me into the foulest places.

The warrior looks up suddenly towards the door of the chamber, and a reflecting glint draws my attention momentarily to the wizard behind me--smiling. I've only seen the wizard smile for one reason... someone is about to die. No sooner than my thought completes, the dwarf is up and screaming battle cries to Bristlebane as he locks into combat with a hulking drolvarg bodyguard! The barbarian stands opposite the beast and their melee begins in fury. They swing with a ferocious and deadly speed, granted them by my own magics, and I utter the power words to draw a binding force around the drolvarg, making it's movements sluggish and predictable, so much so that it can barely muster the will to swing at the burly fighters. As the beast howls out, three more drolvargs storm into the room... an ambush then!

Before they can decide who they will slay, I'm calling upon spells of mesmerization, and sieze the entire crowd under a hypnotic trance in seconds. I choose one of them to become my slave, and bend its mind to my considerable will. Quickly it finds turning on it's comrades to be not only feasible to consider, but the only action it's capable of. The cleric replenishes the warrior's health as my new minion joins the assault. I begin summoning binding roots of magic force to adhere the remaining beast to the ground, helpless to strike me as my short trance begins to fade. I quickly re-mesmerize them with a stronger, safer magic that will bind them for minutes, as the first of them goes down under the fury of my demon minion and the fighters. The wizard chuckles as the beast goes down in a burning heap, and I'm left with no doubts as to who finished the wicked thing.

Suddenly my mind-bent servant wrests his mind out of my reach again and charges me with renewed spirits, slamming a heavy blade into my side. The mystic shielding permeating the air about me stops the blade from cleaving me in twain, but feel the impact I do. In a moment I will address my injuries, for this is not the time to worry about trivial matters such as dying. I call upon a quick burst of magical scintilation, and a circle of sparkling lights flashes around me, stunning the loosed beast as I spun to face it. I feel a crooked grin creeping onto my face as I reclaim its mind into my grasp again, and dare to sit before it as I command, "Slay a drolvarg bodyguard, minion." Helpless to resist, the beast lumbers to the melee at hand and commences to kill its companion in arms. The wizard rises from his meditations, signalling the death of the next beast, and the third is quickly beset upon by our full wrath as I re-root its movement to keep it worrying about the closer threats.

As the beast falls, the barbarian looks to me, and the cleric mends my broken ribs from the impact. "Well done enchanter, surely we were bested if naught for your skill." I nod. The wizard clears his throat behind me, and it goes unnoticed--but I know how much he assisted--that's why I demanded his presence on this excursion.

"So..." chimes in the squat paladin, "you keeping that thing charmed or not?" I glance over at my forced pet, feeling the rage it's unable to call to the surface.

"For now, yes."

Class Titles

Level 1-50 Level 51-54 Level 55-59 Level 60-64 Level 65
Enchanter Illusionist Beguiler Phantasmist Coercer

Creation Guide

Picking the right race for your statistics

The first thing you have to pick then is your race. Which race you pick will determine the foundation of you character for the rest of your life in Norrath so it is kind of important you pick one you like. Now in terms of faction, races are generally meaningless to Enchanters. Religion plays a much larger role. Enchanters can become any race they want through their illusion spells, and also have direct faction increasing abilities. So when picking a race you are deciding on one of two reasons: statistics or looks. When you are first starting out statistics are more important than looks, but looks can go a long way in a game you are going to be playing for a long time.

Dark Elf 60 65 90 75 83 109 70 30
Erudite 60 70 70 70 83 117 80 30
Gnome 60 70 85 85 67 108 70 30
High Elf 55 65 85 70 95 102 90 30
Human 75 75 75 75 75 85 85 30

Spending Your Bonus Points

Enchanters have fairly focused stats, so you will likely only have a couple of good options for your bonus stats.

  • Strength - Mainly effects carry capacity for coin and loot for Enchanters. Also effects Maximum and average melee damage.
  • Stamina - Adds to Maximum Hit Points.
  • Dexterity - Quickens the speed of learning weapon skills and the rate at which magic weapon effects proc while in melee.
  • Agility - Effects your chance to avoid being hit and to avoid taking high hits while enemies are meleeing you.
  • Wisdom - Quickens the rate at which you learn general and craft skills if higher than Intelligence, which it should never be.
  • Intelligence - Raises maximum mana gained per level and the rate at which you learn spell skills. Quickens the rate at which you learn general and craft skills if higher than Wisdom.
  • Charisma - Determines the effectiveness of 4 spell lines for enchanters. Charm, Lull, Memory Blur, and Mesmerize. Effects the chance for Memory blur to actually work, especially on higher level targets. Lowers the enemy resist rate of Mesmerize. Effects chance of a successful charm (does not increase duration, charm break is determined by rolls against Magic Resistance aka lowering a charmed mob's magic resist will lead to longer duration charm) And reduces the chance of lull spells critically failing, aggroing the mob you intended to calm.


Enchanters should, unless they are role-playing, always choose to be agnostic. In some areas your illusion will not be enough to keep you alive. In some areas you will still be Kill on Sight for any number of reasons, though these are very few indeed. If you choose to be agnostic you virtually eliminate the risk of being murdered on a religious background. It may however exclude you from partaking in certain quests at stages during the game (The Ancient Tomes) or from using some items if you have no religion. In many ways the religion system in Everquest is unfathomed, serving only as an overriding faction system.


Spell Information

Mesmerization Spell Information

Name Level Max Lvl Memblur % Mana Casting Time Recast Time AE Radius Pushback Duration Target Type Magic Resist
Mesmerize 4 55 1 20 2.5 2.25 0 0 4 ticks Single 0
Mesmerization 16 55 1 70 3 2.25 30 0 4 ticks Targeted AE 0
Enthrall 16 55 1 50 2.5 2.5 0 0 8 ticks Single 0
Entrancing Lights 34 55 0 75 1.5 12 30 0.5 1 ticks PB AE 0
Entrance 34 55 1 85 2.5 3.75 0 0 1.2 minutes Single 0
Dazzle 49 55 1 125 2.5 5 0 0 1.6 minutes Single 0
Fascination 52 55 1 200 3 2.25 35 0 6 ticks Targeted AE -10
Glamour of Kintaz 54 57 30 125 2.5 2.25 0 0 9 ticks Single -10
Rapture 59 61 40 250 2.5 24 0 0 7 ticks Single -1000
Apathy 61 62 30 225 2.5 2.25 0 0 9 ticks Single -10
Word of Morell 62 65 0 300 1.5 12 30 0.5 1 ticks PB AE 0
Sleep 63 65 35 275 2.5 2.25 0 0 9 ticks Single -10
Bliss 64 68 40 300 2.5 2.25 0 0 9 ticks Single -10

Spell Focus Effects

Full list of Spell Focus Items

Take note, lesser focus effects can significantly impact some vital Enchanter low level roots/stuns/mezs still used at higher levels:

  • Affliction Haste I (33%) and Spell Haste I (15%) work to a minimum 1 second casting time up to level 20 spells (Color Flux 1 sec, Color Shift 1.5 sec)
  • Affliction Haste II (33%) and Spell Haste II (15%) work to a minimum 2 second casting time up to level 44 spells (Root 2 sec, Color Skew 2 sec, Enthrall & Entrance 2.5 sec)
  • All other spell focus hastes have a minimum 3 second casting time

Spell Research

Research Only Enchanter Spells

Combine in Tome of Endless Enchantment

  • Mesmerization - Part of Tasarin's Grimoire 26 Left / Right (21 Trivial)
  • Color Shift - Part of Tasarin's Grimoire 312 Left / Right (41 Trivial)
  • Tepid Deeds - Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8 / 9 (62 Trivial)
  • Strip Enchantment - Part of Tasarin's Grimoire 390 Left / Right (62 Trivial)
  • Feedback - Velishoul's Tome Pg. 108 / 109 (95 Research)
  • Allure - Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378 / 379 (182 Trivial)
  • Paralyzing Earth - Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400 / 401 (182 Trivial)

Full list of Spell Research

Enchanter Quests

Enchanter Alternate Advancement

A full list of Alternate Advancement abilities.

First 100 Alternate Advancement Points

In a TAKP Forums post, Rimidal recommended the following first 100 Alternate Advancement for new Enchanters. Your play style will dictate the priority, but here is an attempt...

  • Archetype – Spell Casting Mastery 3 (12 AAs) – Use less mana for all your spells.
  • PoP Ability – Total Domination 3 (12 AAs) – Makes your charms last longer by reducing chance to break, which is as useful as it sounds.
  • PoP Ability – Eldritch Rune 3 (9 AAs) – Instant casting self-rune that absorbs up to 1500 dmg and has quick cooldown. Very useful to help survivability. Note it does not stack with Arcane Rune.
  • Class – Mass Group Buff (9 AAs) – Everyone loves MGB buffs and you have a lot of very useful buffs. Can skip if you don’t attend raids or just hate buffing.
  • Archetype – Combat Agility 3 (12 AAs) – Help avoid incoming damage. Enchanters tank a lot so you need to maximise surviability because a dead Enchanter can be very bad times.
  • PoP Advance – Lightning Reflexes 5 (15 AAs) – Further boost to melee avoidance and survivability.
  • Archetype – Mental Clarity 3 (12 AAs) – Pre-requisite for Gather Mana AA.
  • Class – Gather Mana (5 AAs) – Very useful for recovering from death, or can save the day in clutch moments. I like it and use it a lot, but your priority may vary.
  • Archetype – Spell Casting Reinforcement 3 (12 AAs) – Help extend all your buffs, because everyone loves longer buffs.

Additional AAs to aim for: Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery, Channeling Focus, Natural Durability, Combat Stability, Innate Defense.


External links